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In the meantime, wireframesketcher[1] seems to do the same than Konty and runs on linux. I'm not related to them in any way but use this solution for years and I'm very happy with it (paying customer).

[1] https://wireframesketcher.com/

wireframesketcher[1] seems to do the same than Konty and runs on linux. I'm not related to them in any way but use this solution for years and I'm very happy with it (paying customer).

[1] https://wireframesketcher.com/

I can recognize a lot of what you wrote to be true for myself,although my diagnostic was made very recently. The most difficult part for me is to be understood and accepted for who I'm, probably because it was hard for me to accept who I am. For years, I've been fighting to be like "anyone else" which eventually led me to be rejected, misunderstanding and considered "sick" (sic) by others, especially the most significant ones in my life. This is one of the trait of my life which is difficult to handle and makes me sometimes feel miserable.

From my experience about jogging (=regular running for your health, without a specific sport goal):

- get good shoes! this is probably the only piece of equipment you need (with a wind/rain jacket). Go to a shop when you can get advice. For me, flat soles is the way to go but I know there is debate on that question. Change them after 1000km at max (I've seen 500 km recommendation)

- follow the advice above zone 2 / zone 5 training. If unsure, slow down !

- avoid pain as much as possible otherwise your body will associate pain and run and you end up giving up (maybe not today, not tomorrow but one day for sure)

- buy a jumping rope and practice (you'll be amazed on the resulting spring effect while running)

- prefer solo session (group sessions are good if you want to talk but the most important thing is to run at your very own pace). you are better with some music or interesting podcasts

- vary the routes as much as possible. Even if you have only one route, start it from time to time on the other direction. There is no better training than on a route you don't know. Always running the same route is part of the reason you may quit.

- start your chronometer at the beginning of the session and try to forget it.

- find a friend and do some bike and run session from time to time (one run, one on the bike for like 20 minutes and then you change). It allows you to make longer run and recover while on the bike.

/!\ Just an opinion here, I'm not a specialist, just a +/- 20y regular runner

To the OP, congratulations for stopping procrastination. :-) I like the idea of your project,I'm often in need of a little tool to help quickly calculate some finance related data. In this case, I often launch a LibreOffice sheet but it is rather heavy for what I need. I'll give your tool a try.

If you are looking for having notecalc3 running locally, the github[0] repository has all the installation instructions (not found in the documentation)

[0] https://github.com/bbodi/notecalc3

Congrats on the demo. I must say the game becomes quickly difficult, which is nice IMO.

I may suggest you provide a tiny bit of information about the symbols (walls, full circles vs empty ones, ...)

Thanks for playing and for the suggestion! We like the idea of players learning the game gradually themselves without much help, so that's why we kept instructions at a minimum. But we have included a lot of different mechanics in the demo so maybe it makes sense with a little more info there!

Ente verification code email is considered dangerous by Google mail.

"Similar messages were used to steal people's personal information. Avoid clicking links, downloading attachments, or replying with personal information."

So you know

We've spend time debugging this and talking to our service provider's[1] support, but haven't been able to figure out the root cause.

If there are any experts reading this, we'd be grateful if you could let us know what we're doing wrong here.

We're in the middle of switching over to SES because they are landing flawlessly into Gmail inboxes, but it would still be good to understand what we could have done better.

[1]: https://www.zoho.com/zeptomail

Hello Vishnu, Truly sorry that you are facing this trouble and we are here to help. Please do share your Zoho account details and an elaborate description of the issue you are facing here - https://www.zoho.com/zeptomail/contact.html?src=pd-menu. Or you may also write an email to support@zeptomail.com. Rest assured, we will get to the bottom of it and help in resolving the same. Looking forward to your email. - Regards, Zoho Cares.

The problem is your service provider, Zoho. Zoho is used by a massive amount of spammers. As a result, many email blocking and verification services will flag any MX records that lead back to Zoho.

Thanks for the information. This is sad if true. In my limited experience Zoho been an honest business to deal with.

I was looking for a frontend I could use out of the box on top of a sqlite database to design and store my wine collection (since I removed Vivino and its 800+ "partners" it shares my data with).

Looks like a single executable, the admin interface and the database I can store on my laptop (and add it to my backup) is all I was looking for. Thank you for PocketBase and thank you for sharing it.

That's why I always come back to HN :-)

40397 (10/17/72)

This subthread is about locating the full date including century.

Does it look like a unicorn to you ? It looks more like a cat with a spaghetti on his head...

image-2023-04-25 looks more like an unicorn to me (although more a cow based unicorn than a horse based unicorn).

Which leads me to this genuine question: : how close do the images resemble a unicorn? I mean how can one track resemblance and how to draw a line saying GPT has drawn an unicorn?

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