Except the way Reddit works increasing the volume of users, even if they aren't seeing ads, provides the entirety of the value of the site that the users who are seeing ads come to see.
This 100% reeks of business people who don't even care to understand what Reddit is coming in and seeing the raw metrics of "% of users who aren't seeing ads" and the "lost" revenue.
In fact he was just doing his show, showing the verdict being read, and mocking the father of one of the slain children's reaction. I can think of no stronger proof that any apologies given were not genuine.
IANAL but contract terms are generally thought to be enforceable unless argued otherwise. Can you furnish the relevant statues/cases that you think make clauses like these unenforceable?
I can't speak for Oakland specifically. But when I see police departments with lots of fancy combat gear, but with minimal fitness standards and minimal training in things like unarmed combat, I can't help but feel like the people are not getting their tax money's worth.
Threatening to defund the police generally lowers the quality of your existing police. Pretend you run a business and say you are cutting salaries. Employees will look for other jobs or just be demotivated in general. Couple that with an increasing hostile work environment, you have the situation at hand.
Do you work as hard when you know management is gunning for your job?
So the excuse is that the police are allowing shootings and other crimes because they aren't motivated enough? Because they might be held to a higher standard? Because they might not get their awesome new toys? Stop treating them like children. I'm amazed when people will go to any lengths to excuse the police.
Musk literally just said that the term 'cis' is a slur that will get you banned.