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I think we have already reached an inflection point. The automakers may be able to protect their US auto share gas vehicles for years to come, but what do their finances look like when everywhere else goes electric? Can they service their debt in a market where the share of gas cars goes down every year from here on out?

I am not sure anything that ends in punishing Elon Musk is going to deter a socialist.

Aren't subsidies for the consumer equipment and monthly charges? It is not a monetary gift to Space X, though it would increase their user base.

They ended up not getting anything.

But it's a net benefit for the company

In this specific example, I am pretty sure margin-right: auto on left and margin-left: auto on right in a flex-box does what you want.

Wrong. The middle item will be misaligned from the center if "left" and "right" have different widths: https://jsfiddle.net/hxe8pcuf/

There is probably a market for 2-4x more expensive carbon-neutral aviation fuel. Most other fuel-consuming vehicles are better off going in a different direction, batteries or hydrogen fuel cells.

Probably. but, aviation margins are currently around 2.7%, while fuel constitutes 20% of their operating cost. Even if an airline switches a few of its aircrafts to 4x costlier carbon-neutral fuel, it's just so they can brag about it in their annual climate responsibility reports.

It is going to be hard to adopt 2-4x more expensive fuel across your fleet, just because.

There are separate proposals from web components that get rid of imperative updates. https://eisenbergeffect.medium.com/the-future-of-native-html...

Not exactly JSX, but I came across a package django-cotton[https://github.com/wrabit/django-cotton], that is html syntax first components.

Not a single thing you said about batteries is true. Pumped hydro is in no way competitive with batteries for most locations. In the future it is likely they won't be competitive in any location.

Better still; the amount of deployed batteries world wide is projected to overtake the amount of deployed hydro this year. Pumped hydro is barely growing. Battery capacity is growing exponentially to eclipse it this year. That's driven by pure economics. Cheaper, better, faster, etc.

Neither of these points are conflicting with my argument. Just because batteries are being deployed it (and I agree that it's cheaper and faster, but not necessarily better on all axes) doesn't mean that their manufacturer is not damaging the environment.

In fact, battery manufacture is not damaging the environment in most places where first-world people live, so perhaps they just don't care, but I think that's pretty sad.

If that wasn't clear, I wasn't trying to challenge your argument; just adding to it. And you are right by adding more arguments to the pile. Not disagreeing at all.

The last example in the paper with the boy and girl definitely have faking a girlfriend vibes.

Although it is quite surprising that mainly text websites (Reddit, Twitter) are hard to run sustainably but video and image websites (YouTube, Instagram, TikTok) can because it is easier to sell ads against them.

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