There are other ways AI can help train other AI that aren't generating data. AI could remove low quality data from a training set. It could assist humans in structuring video, 3D and physics simulation datasets for the best learning results.
Think about it like this: In the beginnings of Web 2.0 people used tables for their layouts. The experience was abysmal, but it worked and allowed quite sophisticated layouts, remnants of which you can still find sometimes today. HTML has changed since then, and lots of things have improved, but its roots undeniably lie in marking up text documents, not applications.
I think that mostly shows in the awkwardness of transferring user interface widgets over. Stuff like popover, modals, combo boxes, toggles, drag and drop, sticky elements, etc. have either just recently become possible or require manual efforts to get right. And that, in my opinion, is an effect of shoehorning application primitives into a document environment.
Maybe this makes a tiny amount of sense when talking about imports, but if Chinese-owned factories in the US are outproducing American-owned factories, then China just has a better, more efficient system for producing solar panels. Maybe they should up their game instead of complaining about competition.
The world uses vastly more energy for heating homes than cooling them. It would be more energy efficient to live in the desert using AC than burning natural gas for heat in northern countries.
But ACA survived throughout a hostile Republican administration. Isn't that an example of taking the time to write a more explicit law make it more resilient to an administration change.
The ACA is an example of the divergence between rhetoric and political reality. It is easy to step in front of a camera villainize "ObamaCare" to engage your voters. But if you actually repeal it then you get to explain to those voters at the next election why you reintroduced lifetime caps and preexisting conditions while premiums did not go down (in fact, they probably went up!). Politicians are unfailingly partisan, but they are even more reliably panderers. Can't be an effective partisan from the sidelines.
Numbers 2, 3, & 4 are all illegal because they start with an illegal action.
If I find a dollar on the sidewalk and put it in my wallets, is that stealing? If I punch a man getting change at a hotdog stand and a dollar falls on the sidewalk and then I put that in my wallet, is that stealing?
It doesn't matter what the scenario is after you stole code from your former employer, all actions are poisoned after.
Although the question is - obviously the ex-employee is likely to be found guilty of copyright infringement (civilly or criminally or both). But what is the copyright status of the resulting work? Does its infringing origins condemn it to always be infringing? Or at some point if it is refactored/rewritten enough it ceases to so be?
Imagine the ex-employee open sources it, and I’m an innocent third party using that code base, ignorant of its unlawful origins. Am I infringing their ex-employers copyright (even if unintentionally)? For (2), obviously “yes”. But what about (3) or (4)?
Maybe but lack of resources doesn't seem to be the main problem. A handful of devs claim copyright infringement, the Judge says show me and they can't. Maybe if they had millions of lawyers trying to get Copilot to produce their copyrighted code, their case would be stronger.
I have a Sense Energy Monitor. It works pretty well, but I wish they made their own smart outlets to integrate with the panel monitoring.
Anyways, some pretty clear trends emerge when tracking your energy usage. Climate control (heating, cooling, fans, dehumidifier) dominates my energy usage, then EV charging, the kitchen stuff (refrigerator, cooking, dishwasher), then electronics (and I have a ridiculous amount of them), clothes dryer and lighting. I would like more insights into my electronics for personal curiosity (which Sense can't seem to do), but in the scheme of things it probably doesn't matter. No individual electronic device is going to make much of a difference.
You have it backwards. Fox News compared itself to the “mainstream media” and labeled themselves “fair and balanced”. Conservatives ate that up and actually believe that Fox News is fair and balanced and that the “mainstream media” isn’t.
I go the no news at all route these days. We live in an age of cheap, effective, easy to create misinformation.