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https://github.com/paperwm/PaperWM for Gnome is just like that, it's a wonderful concept.

Nice! That's exactly it...

...but it requires Gnome, which for now is a no-go for me. I'd love to see something more cross-platform, but thanks for pointing this out.

You can just not hook direnv into your shell, and use `direnv exec` kind of like pipx.

Tools like asdf, direnv, nix-shell, etc. just encapsulate the environment and help set up some guarantees. The referential transparency of shells is something that these tools help enforce, if anything.

I agree that frequent jumping between the fragmented environments is pain point in software development these days. That's due to a lack of tooling to support the new workflow, in my opinion. I hope enough people feel this pain that we see some solutions.

Having an expressive shell like https://starship.rs helps keep you oriented as a sort of HUD. Nix is definitely a life-saver, but you can probably roll your own nix-a-likes. Encapsulate all the "global" precious tools, hardening them against changes in the "local" shell environment. Whether through wrapper scripts, containerization, or what have you, the building blocks are there, the "best practices" are still being created.

Implementing the Conway's Game of Life on a hexagonal grid could be a fun idea. With a slow enough turn clock, you probably don't need a start/stop button, and can just mash a pattern in with one or two hands quickly and see how it evolves. Another plus is that there probably aren't too many famous hexagonal lifeforms, it would be a fun game for all ages.

This is a great reference for starting to work with hexagonal grids: https://www.redblobgames.com/grids/hexagons/

I thought about that too, but I think that goes against the author's goal of keeping the user in charge. With Life, the machine keeps evolving and blinking even when you don't touch it.

My goal was something fun to add to it that strictly only did anything in response to user input.

I don't think adding the time component means that the user isn't in charge any longer, especially if you add a potentiometer for controlling time all the way down to zero.

A tactile Game of Life box that you can speed up/slow down/freeze and change sounds delightful.

Here's an overview of hexagonal Life rules and software that already supports them: https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/Hexagonal_neighbourhood You could step forward once or a fixed number of steps each time. Color the cells by age for more visual interest.

This looks really interesting, I like the focus on developer ergonomics, launching with a fleshed-out tutorial is a nice touch. The deployment story, however, seems to be tied to using Netlify as a hosting platform, which could affect adoption. I understand that that's where the roots of this project lie, are there any plans to decouple Redwood from Netlify to enable the framework to be self-hosted or used with other CI/CDN/FaaS services?

I just want to emphasize that wsltty is the only well-behaving terminal currently available for WSL. It's the only one that supports mouse interaction in a terminal like scrolling/resizing panes in tmux/vim, unlike any Microsoft solution.

If you're using WSL on a regular basis, I highly recommend it. Its a huge quality-of-life improvement.

I am fairly certain that the inbox console host supports mouse interaction (with WSL and anything else that uses VT mouse mode). As the engineering lead for the console and terminal projects, though, I’d love to know how else we can improve!

I noticed the same issues with tmux and the new MS terminal. The events got completely absorbed.

Also there were a bunch of "crazy" display issues, such as when minimizing the window about ~30% of the time the tmux status bar would become hidden.

Or after I exit tmux or even Vim sometimes without tmux, the terminal's background color would turn yellow (but not the entire terminal's background, just the characters where input / output would be legally able to be placed).

All of these things were discovered within about 2 minutes of using it, so these aren't edge cases. They happened very frequently, and things like the mouse just didn't work all the time.


I just put together a 10min video showing a few of these display issues with the new MS terminal at: https://www.dropbox.com/s/puzbfs6ws4p8v7a/ms-terminal.mp4?dl...

The yellow screen issue never happened on video, maybe they fixed that but within 1 minute of using the terminal I found 2 new display bugs that weren't there when I tried it months ago.

Also sorry about the quality of the video. Drop box re-encodes videos at 720p (I recorded it at 1080p) and it looks like they are really strict with bitrates too. It looks slightly better than a potato, but you can still make out the display issues.

I'm not a terminal wizard but there is one bug that constantly happens in my workflow I'm not sure how to report: if I start a powershell session then ssh into a network switch and then access the serial TTY of a kvm guest running on the switch it sets the terminal size to particular dimensions (as expected). If I exit the serial connection then sometimes the terminal is never restored to normal size, even if I exit ssh back to the original powershell session.

Like I said very easy for me to reproduce but probably hard for you guys and I'm not sure what is breaking or how to capture the session to submit a bug.


Also it'd be amazing if profiles could include panes. I find myself almost in need of making an autohotkey script to break the terminal into 4 panes and launch particular ssh commands.

wsltty loaded via ConEmu is the only acceptable terminal combination I've found for Windows, with support for mouse events, scrollwheel and remote terminal resize detection, e.g. ssh into another box and run a program like htop. I last tried microsoft/terminal about 6 months ago and found it incredibly broken.

Evil, best of both worlds :)


Im pretty sure theres a set of standard attributes you can set on fields to make them autocompletable. I use this as a reference: https://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Autocomplete_Types

An Omega boar bristle brush goes for <$10 CAD in my neighbourhood drug store. They also stock Proraso shaving soaps/creams, a container of which lasts me a good 1.5-2 years. Boar bristle brushes require a bit of prep to use, see https://www.reddit.com/r/wicked_edge/wiki/brushes#wiki_boar_.... I just throw it in the sink for a soak before I hop in the shower.

As with most things, it's easy to get sucked in and blow $100s on your setup, but you don't have to. I spent <$50 to get started.

> charges via the microUSB port

The HP Chromebook 11 is not USB-C powered.

Yes, nandhp said "USB-powered notebook", and ja27 pointed out that it was actually the "first USB-C powered" notebook. MicroUSB is still USB.

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