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youtube is the modern nanny and that is the most valuable ad space on the planet

I realized this as I saw many of my favorite gaming Youtubers chase the algorithm and change their content to stay relevant. It all eventually converges on content that children would find entertaining. They're the biggest demographic spending the most time looking at ads. That's where following the algorithm leads.

Gaming is perhaps more child-adjacent than other topics?

activate the Windows Restricted Traffic Limited Functionality Baseline


that has already been debunked. It was the hunger making CJ stomach growl that people mistaked for bigfoot sounds.

> stomach growl that people mistaked for bigfoot sounds

bigfoot's biggest achievement was masking his cry as the sound of an empty stomach

3,000 emails are included in oracle free tier

Windows Restricted Traffic Limited Functionality Baseline


Some hosting providers (hetzner) are very scared about any letters so they will boot you for getting any random letter.

Not my experience at all. Been through double digit amount of bogus claims on Hetzner.

They usually forward the takedowns to me, I take a look at them, let Hetzner know they're bogus claims and that I'm not planning on taking action, and that's where the story ends.

Exactly the same experience here. If you let them know about it and don't use the servers for shady shit, they side with you.

Sounds like you had better luck than I did. After about a year of getting DMCA notices, Hetzner told me to remove my IPFS gateway from their network or they would kick me off.

I followed the DMCA process, added nginx block rules to make all the content mentioned in the DMCA notices impossible to access, and even submitted "statements" to Hetzner for each DMCA notice they got. None of that saved me.

This is the real issue.

It’s not whether the complaints are real; it’s whether the recipient has some policy that says “X number of complaints and we show you the door.”

there is borbpdf.com

Great! Though I guess it's missing the typesetting capabilities of LaTeX

The general public is never going to voluntarily start wearing glasses, no matter the features people do not want to look like a nerd.

The "looking weird" is an argument that I find really interesting, as it is both completely true, but also extremely volatile.

For instance wearing headphones in public 40 years ago had a strong social opposition, and you would totally look weird with headphone on. This was replayed with bluetooth ear pieces. Those ships have long long sailed.

Same argument was also made for the smart watches. Every time there was a kernel of truth, but as this is only a question of perception, there just needs to be a switch in people's mind and we reach the other side.

AirPods used to be weird. That’s how quickly it changes.

I’m an Apple fanboy and would queue up for a toaster if they released one and I had second thoughts about the AirPods cos of the look but bought them anyway and the utility was such that I wore them anyway and and then they took off.

Apple can move the zeitgeist. Very few brands have that power.

Careful with that statement. General public seems very happy adopting wearables. Much more than anyone would have guessed in the early 2000s.

I say bull on this. The public has been consuming more and more nerd culture compared to 10 years ago.

Everything's a cycle.

Or a trajectroy in case of tech adoption.

One could have said the same thing about mobile phones a couple of decades ago when the first primitive PDAs came out but plenty of people are glued to theirs now, even in public.

Protecting your eyeballs from UV is probably pretty important.

Remove gold farming and competitive sweatlord ladders from your game. Majority of cheats exist to make money, remove their income and they will leave.

When I played Quake 3 and other games on its engine twenty years ago, they didn't have any of that stuff, but people still aimbotted and wallhacked.

Some people just like to cheat for the sake of it.

Breaking into the big book scene with no name recognition is almost impossible. It is a lot easier to gain traction in new media like podcasts/webcomics/socials(tiktok)

Agree that it’s almost impossibly difficult - curse of the power law. And it’s a book that I’ve written - won’t really translate well to other media… honestly just want to put out the best version of it I can (within the limits of my resources)… whatever happens after will be…

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