Saving Private Ryan, while it does give a particularly realistic view of storming Omaha Beach, and some other scenes, is also generally heroic -- the "good guys save their buddy from the bad guys" -- which serves to glorify war, giving it a "higher purpose".
Roselle St (where Fabric8 Labs has their office) is the most innovative street in San Diego. I don't know what it is about that particular street, but a ton of great companies have come out of there.
Not a street I was aware of, but it's located between the Qualcomm and General Atomics campuses and a stones throw from UCSD. Also has great freeway and rail (commuter) access and modern research focussed buildings for lease.
Bokeh has support for WebGL. We had to switch away from Vega/Altair when a project hit around 50,000 data points in a plot, but under ~5,000 data points Vega/Altair was still good.
It's actually even worse in SDG&E territory. A kWh costs around 32 cents, but "transmission" and "distribution" are again twice that. The end result is about $1.00 / kWh.
Personally, I would also include Schindler's List.