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There is also a Vault Fork called OpenBao https://github.com/openbao/openbao

Terrible name imo

If they wanted open in the name they should have gone with "opensesame"

Couldn't they use something that made more sense like OpenKeystore or OpenKeyvault? I know Hashicorp might be sensitive about them using the word Vault though, I just feel that it should be descriptive more than a game.

At least to me, both of those imply a key-value storage system, not a secrets manager. `OpenSecrets` maybe implies less security to some, and developers tend to want to give products they work on a creative name.

Afaik it is in the spirit of OpenTofu. OpenSesame would have been fun, but a interweb search reveals it appears taken.

That fork came out of IBM. With this purchase, there's a good chance it recombines with Vault.

There is an "intent to package" for debian about openbao.


Looking for feedback on this. Cheers

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