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Can I guess it's AI-generated?

It has the same forced-to-BS-beyond-real-knowledge feel. It gets most of the outlines right-ish, but just hallucinates a bunch of other stuff.

Very unlikely. Many mistakes are small jokes. Norway, for example, has cities named Nynorsk and Bokmål, which are actually the names of two different standards of Norwegian language. Ukraine has a city named Salo, an obvious reference to salo the food. Denmark's capital is called Legoland on the map and located roughly where Billund is (the town with Legoland).

> Norway, for example, has cities named Nynorsk and Bokmål, which are actually the names of two different standards of Norwegian language.

Not only that but the official written languagein the cities named Bokmål and Nynorsk are exactly that, respectively.

In the spirit of https://xkcd.com/2945/ , and having heard the adage that "Wars are God's way of teaching Geography to americans", I had just assumed it was some mortal's attempt at a method involving less "collateral damage".

did Meta present the AI as an official customer-service chatbot?

What I see on WhatsApp:

"Messages are generated by Meta AI. Some may be inaccurate or inappropriate. Learn more."

Which leads to a pop-up further explaining that use cases include things like "creating something new like text or images".

I think it's going to be really interesting to see whether that's considered enough by courts, or if they'll take the position that these things pretend too well to be a real person to make such a disclaimer sufficient, similarly to how e.g. a brokerage can't disclaim "no investment advice" and then go on to say "but buy this stock, it's gonna moon tomorrow, trust me bro".

if you think newness of a technology, by itself, is a valid argument, you are merely anti-science, anti-rational.

however, I'm most curious to hear of "left-over" Nazis practicing in the 80s. however, I agree that the medical establishment is an absurd archaism.

You can throw labels around as much as you like. My opinion is still my opinion. Call me stupid, anti-*, dumb, whatever you like. Sticks and stones you know. This way of labeling people with a different opinion is another thing I consider very very dangerous. But apparently, if it is done by left leaning people, it is always a good thing tm.

This is pointless and ill-informed cynicism.

Canada is not totalitarian. Frankly, I can't imagine claiming so unless you have quite an extreme view of politics (for instance, the appropriateness of blockading downtown Ottawa). There is plenty of MAGA-like conspiratory thinking in Canada, but it's relatively new for Canada, and definitely not widely-accepted.

I mean, Canada is the only country in the west that has used emergency powers not once but twice in 50 years. Either our country is unstable (it's not) or the federal government clearly doesn't give a shit about precedent and due process.

It also doesn't help that the same government has admitted to a current genocide without basically doing anything about it. So yes, when you combine those two things criticism will happen.

People online are insanely cynical about Canada without having ever stepped one foot in the country. A ton of discourse regarding Canada happens in between non-Canadians, and I'm not sure if it's intentional at this point. Every scandal or disagreement gets blown up to an international stage, people eager to take party talking points as unquestionable truth.

There's no shortage of Americans who wholeheartedly believe that Canada is an authoritarian regime. Given that the average HN user seems to be an older, conservative-leaning American I'm not really surprised by the sentiment, though I did hope for more level-headed discussions.

What's this weird obsession with Americans? I'm Canadian, and it's only white liberal Canadians that have this super weird rose tinted look at their own country because they blame everything on the US. Maybe you're privileged enough to not relate with the issues highlighted, but that's just your own bubble.

no one uses a PC for communication? why even would you apparently equate that silly msft with desktop use?

that silliness aside, there are serious limits to how much access even bios/TPM/SMM compromises can provide. for instance, if I audit my network, your use of SMM to compromise my machine can be mitigated. the picture may be different if you seize my machine, of course, but we all know that most bets are off with physical access.

most of this complaint is explicitly answered in the article. must have been TL...

upwards of .1% plastic seems surprising.

but you chose that service, so what's the issue?

html, really? most email users I know don't give the first shit about html.

email isn't fundamentally for marketing, and it's not a publishing format, so why any html at all? suppose the only markup available is \n...

Can anyone else upload pictures of their Apple ID badges? I figure it'll save time and effort if we just collect them into a Huggingface dataset...

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