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> Thank god this customer didn't trust us and kept off-gcp backups or they'd be completely screwed.

Except that, from the article, the customer's backups that were used to recover were in GCP, and in the same region.

I'm curious about that bit.

https://www.unisuper.com.au/contact-us/outage-update says "UniSuper had backups in place with an additional service provider. These backups have minimised data loss, and significantly improved the ability of UniSuper and Google Cloud to complete the restoration."

That's the bit that's sticking out to be as contradictory. I'm inclined to not believe what GCP have said here as an account deletion is an account deletion, why would some objects be left behind.

No doubt this little bit must be causing some annoyance among UniSuper's tech teams.

I'm inclined to not believe GCP because they edited their status updates retroactively and lied in their postmortem about the Clichy fire in Paris not affecting multiple "zones"

The had another provider because the regulator requires it. I suspect a lot of businesses in less regulated industries do not.

I think you misread. Here’s the relevant statement from the article:

“Data backups that were stored in Google Cloud Storage in the same region were not impacted by the deletion, and, along with third party backup software, were instrumental in aiding the rapid restoration.”

Pedantic clarification incoming: 11 9's is the Durability guarantee for S3. It doesn't refer to Availability.

But for this memorydb it seems it is? Indeed not for entire AWS either way though.

No, it specifically says for 11 9s for durability in the first sentence.

You are right indeed.

A price weighted (as opposed to cap-weighted) index of 30 hand picked stocks is currently back down to lows not seen since 1 month ago.

That staying power of such a terrible metric is embarrassing

Skipping Chrome and Windows 10 updates also not free.

Systems Manager also supports Port Forwarding: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-port-forwarding-using-a...

There was a Connections 2 series in 1994 which is the one I remember watching and loving as a teenager: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0370117/

Connections 2 wasn't a patch on the original. Connections 3 was just milking a dead cow.

However The Day the Universe Changed is very good.

+1 for "The Day the Universe Changed", I watched it a few years back and I loved it (and my wife too).

I thought "Customer Obsession" was their first core value?

The customer in this case being the company paying to have their ad shown.

This is Amazon shirking away “don’t be evil.”

So now they double dip and sell the customer (ads) and the product.

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