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Hash | São Paulo, Brazil | Onsite or Remote | https://www.hash.com.br/

Hash creates technology that allows companies of any size to easily access the financial market and create amazing solutions with less costs & bureaucracy. We strive to deliver all the necessary infrastructure so companies can raise the bar on financial services.

To learn more about who we are, our engineering culture, and whether this is the right place for you, read our Key Values profile: https://www.keyvalues.com/hash

Here are our open roles:

- Back-end Engineer: https://hashlab.workable.com/j/C1D2386E60

- Front-end Engineer: https://hashlab.workable.com/j/87A2C566D4

- Site Reliability Engineer: https://hashlab.workable.com/j/A10DA25274

Tech Stack: Node, Golang, Terraform, Kubernetes, Rancher, AWS, MongoDB, Postgres, RabbitMq, ElasticSearch, Docker, React-like frameworks, Webpack, Javascript, AngularJS

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