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The instructions are on their GitHub page


But since the first webpage I tried still had huge ads, I turned uBlock back on ;)

kagi is the new crossfit

I find your writing - at least in these 2 comments - amusing and insightful to read. thank you

So it's a (unsurprisingly) hosting cost issue.

Now we know what to do next time we discuss the need for privacy-friendly and user-focused social media platforms.

Yes and no. They were not cancelled because they cost too much.

The pilot experiment was one year. It was actually renewed a second year.

Now they were at the end of the pilot, and thus a decision had to be made about making it a permanent/long term thing with its own resources and funding, or not.

And it two years, barely 40 representatives migrated there. Therefore their resources to protect privacy are better spent improving the areas where 90+% of the representative actually are.

Like I said in my other comment, ultimately I think this is the better move, because having a dedicated "clean" plateform would automatically lead to slighly less effort to try and make the "big ones for the public" clean.

I'm not sure what they ran, but if it's Mastodon: it scales in troublesome ways.

For one, it uses Rails and is very big. Rails is known for being extremely slow¹.

A difficulty with ActivityPub is that it scales rather weird. If your server has (accounts with) many followers, you're essentially DDOSsed through activity. So it scales weird in the sense that not activity on your server demands Resources, but that activity on the fediverse, which you don't control, does.² So it can get very expensive really fast.

Maybe something like gotosocial could lower these costs. But that's not "stable" (as in: frequent, disruptive upgrades and missing features) enough for a govt, I'd say. Its software design, however is far better aligned with a server with relatively few (one, or a few dozen) accounts. Accounts that can have large following and activity. Whereas the Rails project is much better aligned with servers with (tens of) thousands of users. I.e. with mastodon.social.

1 I've been helping companies scale and tune Rails for over 12 years now. I know it can be done, but also what the limitations are. They are real.

² https://ar.al/2022/11/09/is-the-fediverse-about-to-get-fryed...

More like they couldn't be bothered to use anything else than a "free" service or something with a vendor to bribe them as usual.

Public sector still hasn't realized most of it is actually an IT company providing judicial, law enforcement, healthcare, education and insurance services and still mistakenly believes that outsourcing their core information management to 3rd parties is a good move.

I LOVE this I would pay for being able to rent to audioguide for a couple of days (similarly to how you can rent the audioguide during the in person visit)

yes, there is the cardboard button (last icon in the middle bottom of the screen)

early in our career we are (we should be) in "sponge mode". we can learn at lot and quickly. You should not waste this time. As somebody already said, things change a lot depending on the people you get to work with, and then how you work with them (you could be surrounded by amazing people but because of corp-rigidity you would not learn much from them anyway).

Reach out to your connections and figure out which company(ies) to apply for.

Go through interviews with a clear idea of what to ask for: interviews are not just for candidate screening, do the reverse and learn how to screen for good companies (before and during the interview process)

IMHO remote work is not the best for a career start

subscribing to everything, rco8786 let me know if you are hiring anytime soon :rotfl:

strong quote!

kagi is the new apple: shut up and take my money

Yeah I’m very seriously regretting passing on the private investment opportunity that early adopters were given.

I love the idea of Wolfram throwing his brainpower and associated ego behind this problem.

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