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I think it only connected with DJ Category

Symbolic language in paintings is always so interesting for me to discover

What else is in that pile?

Creating clean energy with fusion, desalinating salt water for near limitless clean water, reducing plastic use, curing cancer and on and on and on

> desalinating salt water for near limitless clean water

Don't forget the free salt!

Black holes, portals, FTL, electoral reform…

I like the implication that FTL is closer on the horizon than electoral reforms

you saw what I did there

Agricultural emissions, mostly methane but also land-use.

Metalysis (which exists, I want to see more roll-outs in more materials, particularly iron and steel).

At least one of "cheaper storage" or "the political solution to create a global power grid that I already know is both possible and affordable on paper" (c. 230 bn USD of aluminium).

Cheaper solutions to improve the insulation and cooling in older buildings.

Industrial scale Sabatier process.

Cement production is a significant contributor to global carbon dioxide emissions. Amazing that the development of effective cement recycling methods is in process.

It's a pity that sometimes preferences and comfort are being overlooked in favor of corporate interests(

Just can imagine the feeling...

All the art at the end reminding me of a sea

Parenting is the hardest thing to do.

Complete the opposite for me here. The iPad is shared, and we use the Focus feature for different users

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