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Good example of digging with a spoon as they stated was the original goal. And it still compiles on an M1 macbook despite being a decade old code base.

Really? Thats awesome, and unexpected! Got to try it out today then.

I never knew that a minecraft world was bigger than Neptune. Very neat.

What I find more interesting is when you get to the subatomic layer when it becomes apparent that it's all just theory and we have no idea what's actually here and we could be wrong but have no way of knowing...yet.

BloomTech about to get a name change.

Honestly wonder what the true placement rate was. There seem to be some success stories I’m seeing on Twitter but this could have all been avoided had they just been up front.

That $164,000 victim fund sounds pitiful but I do wonder how it is calculated.

> ...with inflated promises of job-placement rates as high as 86 percent, when the company’s internal metrics showed placement rates closer to 50 percent and in some cases as low as 30 percent.

> BloomTech advertised on its website that 71 to 86 percent of students were placed in jobs within six months of graduation, when its non-public reporting to investors consistently showed placement rates closer to 50 percent. Allred tweeted that the school achieved a 100 percent job-placement rate in one of its cohorts, and later acknowledged in a private message that the sample size was just one student.

For the record, it’s actually far worse than this even, as many of your “teachers” are just people from the previous cohort.

After a slew of negative reviews came from a few people that verifiably took the early courses, lambda decided not to improve their course, but instead to do two things:

1) they gave students financial credit for posting positive reviews on social media

2) they paid review shops out of India and China to bombard the internet with fake positive experiences.

This school are scumbags. Frankly I am shocked that it still exists and people still go there.

#2 is a clear FTC violation if I'm not mistaken.

I’m such a derp, I literally read right past that, thanks.

Gotta hand it to NPR for at least linking to the public criticism and interviewing people within their org and getting comment from Uri. Maybe this will tamp down the ideological bent NPR has been on for the past few years.

Maybe this is fine for uni or testing where you may be quizzed on syntax but really shouldn’t apply beyond that. Use the tools that make you efficient to deliver results.

“But thanks to Zoom, Google and FaceTime, there is simply no reasonable excuse for not making an appearance at a meeting.”

I know this is dependent on situation, but “I am traveling” is a reasonable enough excuse. If you’re in a remote office with other workers who are on same meeting, yeah, you probably shouldn’t miss that meeting. Otherwise, “I’m traveling” is reasonable enough.

Are you on Mac by chance? I use notifications to gather all my pop ups as I’ve never been able to get the modals to work.

Yes. I run on a Mac 99% of the time and it’s frustrating because pretty much every day people message me and they just sit there.

The best work around I’ve found is to have my phone nearby and use it for notifications.

Seems pretty silly for a messaging app to work so poorly.

Not silly at all cause I do the same. I wonder if it’s a Mac issue displaying modals or a teams thing. I have the same issue with slack messages so I always assume it’s a Mac problem.

Spotify hasn’t made a profit in years. At some point, you have to start making the hard decisions and let people go - but not Joe Rogan, they still need to pay him $250 million while letting his content go to other platforms.

Spotifys business model makes no sense to me.

The Joe Rogan scapegoat is silly. Just a few months ago HN was talking about how much of a business disaster it was. And here Spotify just renewed it.

Is that evidence that it’s a good deal? From the outside Spotify doesn’t seem like a company that makes good financial decisions. The Rogan deal seems central in that.

Do they ever publish ad revenue or user stats by content. I’ve not seen it in their filings. And the new deal is on its face worse. They are paying the same for no exclusivity!

I’m just not sure how to objectively judge the Rogan deal but it certainly seems very bad to me, an uninterested party.

> Is that evidence that it’s a good deal?

Yes. Evidence the old one was good. They had a Long time to think about it and clearly decided it’s worth even more. (And there is no interest free funny money)

If someone makes consistently bad decisions it seems strange to use their decisions as proof they make good decisions.

Their decisions lead to them losing over 600m last year, despite having their best quarter ever.

Wow sounds like they are still growing!

Of course we can’t know,but your assumption seems to be it’s bad because you don’t understand it.

My assumption is it’s bad because they lost more money than ever after signing the first one.

I’d love to see what the argument _for_ it is.

(Edit) sorry not losing more money than ever. They had a negative 700m quarter once.

I would rather not go back to a flip phone, so good on anyone that can and is happy with it. I do not miss T9 texting. What worked for me was I shifted my mind to stop thinking of my phone as a daily necessity and more as a multi-function tool. Screen Time helped to identify the apps I'm using the most. I started with deleting the time wasting apps - Reddit, twitter, tiktok, instagram - all gone. If it's really important, I'll go on a computer or use safari but otherwise I just don't care for anything happening on there anymore.

For awhile I would pick up my phone, realize there's nothing interesting on it and go do something else. I've read 6 books so far this year. I'm on pace to 5x my reading from last year. I'm watching movies or tv with complete attention, where I used to be confused as to what was going on cause I'd be on my phone.

Whatever helps you get rid of your unskillful habits, keep at it. The rest of the world is always going to be vying for your attention, it's yours to spend how you choose.

> I do not miss T9 texting.

I don't mind it. It's easier to do half-blind and just sanity check your results.

But more importantly, it's been a thing I use to move some longer form interactions to email. I won't have a long form conversation via text anymore, I go to a proper keyboard.

Curious how you think it is laughable hypocrisy. Everything you mentioned might give you an “edge” but anabolic steroids give you more than an edge, they give you hormones your body doesn’t produce on its own.

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