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This is very cool, I like the website too

that looks nice, I've enjoyed Kotlin when I used it in the past

yaegi is very interesting... I'm going to see if I can get it working on htmgo for reloading the views.

I would take a look at this demo [1]. Pay close attention to what is being interpreted vs bound as a symbol to compiled code. The `yaegi extract` command will not work on exported generics atm.

If you want to collab more, shoot me an email: chris@breadchris.com

[1] https://github.com/DCjanus/yaegi_demo

Ah good call, I should have checked for typos. Will fix, ty.

The routing uses the std lib + chi, it's fairly integrated into the html builder because the http request needs to be utilized to check specific htmx headers.

I could imagine you could use your own web framework though, since you can wrap the std lib handlers.

Also depending on popularity, I may make other adapters for different go web frameworks

Haha we kind of have the same vision. That's eventually what I want to turn htmgo into, something like rails, but as minimal as it can be (essentially plugins, good defaults but you can opt out).

> You could use air, but I find it still to be too slow to recompile the entire app.

At the moment I'm using fsnotify to watch file changes and restart the process immediately, so far it hasn't been too bad for live reloading. I'm hoping as long as precautions are taken to lazy load things on startup, then it would stay fairly quick.

15 years ago I created a web framework for newLISP. It even ran fast on a Nokia N900

Maybe you want to have a look at the code and get some inspiration.


Low level in the sense that it doesn't have things you would traditionally need to build an application, such as re-usable components, conditional rendering, etc. To do that you have to wire it up with something else such as your backends templating system, alpine, etc.

Well when you put it all on one line it doesn’t look great :)

With it properly spaced out and nested, after a few days it started reading exactly like HTML to me, where I can quickly see the hiearchy

As a developer who has worked extensively with React and Reagent (a ClojureScript wrapper around React) I actually enjoy this kind of syntax. Better that then some custom HTML templating syntax I need to learn in addition to the language.

It doesn't look too bad if one also break the code into multiple functions to make "layouts" and "components".

I have had lots of fun building with Bun, ElysiaJS, and HTMX. Might test your go library out as well. Looks pretty neat.

Awesome, yeah those are pretty nice technologies. Definitely let me know if you do / encounter any issues!

lol looks like I forgot to limit the user input length, clearing those now…

someone decided to ddos it with profanity so I'm pushing an update now so its not global viewable anymore.

I would have paid extra for free profanity, consider to offer it as an addon

I do also like the idea behind templ, only issue is when I tried to use it, the DX was pretty poor on Jetbrains IDE’s. I think the LSP is broken for it

I'm kind of in the same boat (but with VSCode). In addition to that, I found that it didn't make things too much easier than something like MVC with built-in template/html. The context integration seems like a huge footgun, since it just panics if you access a value that doesn't exist.

There is definitely a problem with the LSP. I've resorted to turning off the templ extension in VS Code, syntax highlighting and all.

That's actually something I've been slowly working on. There's a bug in the go parser tho that kinda slowed things down a lot.

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