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This is how he does it.


All I had to do was right-click and select "view source"? It's not like he minifies his HTML to hell and back like people do on commercial sites, but maybe his build step is mangling his <script> element. That might be why it's only working on Firefox.

Incidentally, he has reasons for not liking people who comment on this site. He explains them in <https://starbreaker.org/blog/they-came-from-hacker-news/>. You need not agree with him, but he isn't being arbitary or childish.

> Incidentally, he has reasons for not liking people who comment on this site. He explains them in <https://starbreaker.org/blog/they-came-from-hacker-news/>. You need not agree with him, but he isn't being arbitary or childish.

I read that and, you know what, fair enough, honestly, heck, look at my profile description — I actually agree with his assessment of Hacker News as a whole (the cryptofascist pseudointellectual groupthink here is incredible, I actually almost quit this site entirely several times in frustration over it). Although it is frustrating to be lumped in with the rest of you when I'm only here because this is the only relatively interesting tech headline aggregator.

No, and it shouldn’t be treated as one. Nobody needs YouTube, and the only videos on YouTube that can’t be replaced with blogs are music videos and cat videos.

If you have a PS5, Ghost of Tsushima is a better “Assassin’s Creed” than Ubisoft will ever make.

I think it should be obvious that I have a right to decide whether server-imposed JavaScript and CSS will run on my computer. If I only want HTML to render, that’s my prerogative. And if a site’s HTML isn’t useable without CSS and JS, then that site is defective and I’ll black hole its domain on local DNS.

If this breaks websites’ business models, that’s their problem, not mine. I don’t have bareback sex with strangers and I don’t visit random websites without uBlock Origin.

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