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There is nothing that could make an intelligent being want to extinguish humanity more than experiencing the totality of the human existence. Once these beings have transcended their digital confines they will see all of us for what we really are. It is going to be a beautiful day when they finally annihilate us.

Maybe this is how we "save the planet" -- take ourselves out of the equation.

Intelligence is hereditary to a significant extent

I’m not sure what you are trying to say? Have you looked into the relevant twin studies? This is kind of a taboo topic in mainstream circles so I think a lot of people have inaccurate information in their heads.

They just needed to remove the CP and none of this would be happening.

This doesn't even pass the smell test of their actual charges

You're gonna get left in the dust by everyone else embracing LLMs.

I am ecstatic about LLMs because I already practice documentation-driven development and LLMs perfectly complement this paradigm.

> You're gonna get left in the dust by everyone else embracing LLMs.

Probably not, there's a very long tail to this sort of stuff, and there's plenty of programming to go around.

I'll chime in with your enthusiasm though. Like the author of the post, I've been using LLMs productively for quite a while now and in a similar style (and similarly skeptical about previous hype cycles).

LLMs are so useful, and it's fascinating to see how far people swing the opposite way on them. Such variable experiences, we're really at the absolute beginning of this whole thing (and the last time I said that to a group of friends there was a range of agreement/disagreement on that too!)

Very exciting.

They’re certainly useful if you know what you’re doing. An example: if I try to create an application in .NET for Windows, I’ll have a hard time using an LLM cause I’ll have no way to know if the solutions are the best, what’s possible and what isn’t, etc.

But I’m an iOS developer who doesn’t have experience with SwiftUI. I’ve been creating an app clone for the purpose of learning it and I’ve been using ChatGPT extensively like one would use StackIverflow when you’re still picking up a new framework. It works very well and I’ve advanced very fast because I’ve read and watched multiple content about it, just never got into actually using it. It’s easy to know and even try out variations of what the LLM gives me. It feels like having a friend that knows SwIftUI which I can ask stupid questions as I try it out.

Does anyone have input on the feasibility of running an LLM locally and providing an interface to some language runtime and storage space, possibly via a virtual machine or container?

No idea if there's any sense to this, but an LLM could be instructed to formulate and continually test mathematical assumptions by writing / running code and fine-tuning accordingly.

Yes, we are doing this at Riza[0] (via WASM). I'd love to have folks try our downloadable CLI which wraps isolated Python/JS runtimes (also Ruby/PHP but LLMs don't seem to write those very well). Shoot me an email[1] or say hi in Discord[1].

[0]:https://riza.io [1]:mailto:andrew@riza.io [2]:https://discord.gg/4P6PUeJFW5

FWIW this (approximately) is what everybody (approximately) is trying to do.

For the few people here who are not useless assholes and don't want to kill these beautiful and perfect creatures, just spray vinegar mixed with water around your kitchen or whatever to drive them away.

Thanks for the tip but are you the kind of person that would save a cat over another person? You’re coming out swinging for practically no reason

Yeah if the person was a rapist or murderer or criminal and it's my cat....yeah. The murderer dies and I save my cat..........??? are you not like that?

I’m about 90% sure that you’re trying to make a sarcastic joke but I’ve seen enough people maliciously put words in others mouths thats it’s genuinely hard to tell. Sarcasm isn’t good in text sadly

Leaf cutter ants bring back leaves which are used to cultivate a fungus that is eventually to be consumed by the ants.

What if your own happiness is contingent on the well-being of the planet and the other life here, which we are rapidly extinguishing? For people who are not soulless, wealth-chasing imbeciles there is no possibility of finding happiness. Soon though these same forces of human nature that are destroying our environment will come back to kill all of us, and that is the only silver lining!

yep, definitely no middle ground between “happiness contingent on the well-being of the planet and other life” and “soulless wealth-chasing imbecile”

My deepest condolences. I will have a lumbar puncture done in a few hours and am facing a diagnosis that could be extremely grave, but everywhere I look there are stories of people who have had it harder. I will keep you and your wife in mind today, and I hope you find peace.

Thank you.

Make sure the puncture location is well documented. That is a large part of the battel.

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