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I think you want Salesforce because of how reliable and secure it is, also because of the cute mascots.

Actually, I had a pretty good experience with Pinecone.

ah pgvector is kind of annoying to start with, you have to set it up and maintain, and then it starts falling apart when you have more vectors

Can you elaborate more on the falling apart? I can see pgvector being intimidating for users with no experience standing up a DB, but I don't see how Postgres or pgvector would fall apart. Note, my reason for asking is I'm planning on going all in with Postgres, so pgvector makes sense for me.

What is "more vectors"? How many are we talking about? We've been using pgvector in production for more than 1 year without any issues. We dont have a ton of vectors, less than 100,000, and we filter queries by other fields so our total per cosine function is probably more like max of 5000. Performance is fine and no issues.

Take a look at https://github.com/tembo-io/pg_vectorize. It makes it a lot easier to get started. It runs on pgvector, but as a user, its completely abstracted from you. It also provides you with a way to auto-update embeddings as you add new data or update existing source data.

This is good until it isn’t. Tried to get it working for 4 hours and it just did not.

And then I had an important architectural gotcha moment: I want my database to be dump. Its purpose is to store and query data in an efficient and ACID way.

Adding cronjobs and http calls to the database is a bad idea.

I love the simplicity and that it helps to keep embedding a up to date (if it works), but I decided to not treat my database as application.

on the other hand, if you have postgres already, it may be easier to add pgvector than to add another dependency to your stack (especially if you are using something like supabase)

another benefit is that you can easily filter your embeddings by other field, so everything is kept in one place and could help with perfomance

it's a good place to start in those cases and if it is successful and you need extreme performance you can always move to other specialized tools like qdrant, pinecone or weaviate which were purpose-built for vectors


Rust would've been even better!

Indians on H1B are the most loyal. They have to wait for their greencards for like 3 billion years, thanks to very fair american immigration system.

> thanks to very fair american immigration system.

Probably an Industry lobbyist came up with that rule so that employees have to depend on the company.

But then I have to work faster

How is it different from https://github.com/pinecone-io/canopy?

First pass feedback on differences is that R2R is building with all database / llm providers in mind.

Further, it seems Canopy has picked some pretty different abstractions to focus on. For instance, they mention `ChatEngine` as core abstraction, whereas R2R attempts to be a bit more agnostic.

That being said, there are definitely some commonalities, so thanks for sharing this repo! I will be sure to give it a deep dive.

Will it support Pinecone? I deal with a lot of vectors

Yes, this is an easy lift, could* you add an issue?

We also offer qdrant and pgvector, and will expand into most major providers with time. I personally recommend qdrant after trying 6 or 7 different ones while trying to scale out.

Thanks for your trust. :)

There's feminism in a lot of countries. This title doesn't make sense.

There is also cooking and cycling across the world, but the differences in each of those countries is knowledge worth documenting.

Read the article. That much is plainly obvious.

But the title doesn't give me this context, I have to read the whole article to understand that. Why not to make a title that would make sense?

Exactly "Cooking in Japan" is different from "Cooking in Frence". Also 'isms'.

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