Only to prospective buyers/partners/team members for now, as I need to carefully manage my time. If that's you, please reach out :) In any case, based on the interest in this thread I'll do a separate Show HN thread in a couple of weeks/months!
Would you elaborate on why counting braces is different from counting spaces to determine hierarchy? Or is it more about the repetition of higher levels keys in chunks (which could be done in JSON)?
Repetition of topics and subtopics is by far the most important part, reinforcing attention on the topic at hand even if the text in the chunk appears unrelated to the topic when viewed in isolation.
Keeping the indentation is also important because it is an implicit and repeated indication of the nesting level of the content that follows. LLMs have trouble with balancing nested parentheses (as the sibling comment to yours explains).
Dealing with text where indentation matters is easier for LLMs, and because they have been exposed to large amounts of it (such as Python code and lists of bullet points) during training, they have learned to handle this quite well.
> In this kind of an environment, most of the technical people you are hiring are your “programming language feeders”.
> These are people who take the logic from you. They do not determine the logic.
> And they will translate it into a language that the computer understands. AI can naturally do that, which is why non-technical people who get exposed to the coding abilities of an LLM get so super excited. You know, like, “oh, I have found my technical co-founder”. If your technical co-founder was doing this, you were anyway screwed.
Was just thinking about the lack of undo/redo in a complex web app we're building involving ling-running APIs and DB transactions. What are some other undo/redo TypeScript libraries out there.
For Oops particularly, I think TS interfaces for commands would help quite or lot here. Or maybe even annotations or decorators?
No types is a non-starter 100% of the time. I wouldn’t use a library for something like an undo manager though — the core is quite simple and you’ll want full control.