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Just curious, is there a rundown of new features? Also can we opt in if we're already a stripe atlas customer?

I find the the dating app world fascinating, it's trying to replicate something you can only find out in person through not actually being in person. I think there's tons of opportunity here for building real connection.

I wouldn't say I'm working on a dating app but in my free time I host singles and social events for people to connect and have fun! As part of this I'm working on some apps that largely function as a reverse dating app. Meet in person but follow up online without the risk of giving away your personal information. We'll see where it goes, but its been fun so far!

Location: Washington, DC

Remote: Yes.

Willing to relocate: Potentially.

Technologies: golang, python, javascript, aws, docker, virtualization, LXC, KVM, edge computing

Résumé/CV: https://lucasch.dev/pdf/lucas_chaufournier_resume.pdf

Website: https://lucasch.dev/

Email: lucaschaufournier@gmail.com ===

Currently looking for roles in the Washington, DC area. I'm leaving my Phd program, where I focused on research in Edge Computing and distributed systems, to find a role that has more of a direct impact in the world. Looking for exciting new roles that allow me to intersect my knowledge of tech with my creative side while also interacting with people! I like to wear many hats and be thrown into where I'm needed. My background is in systems and cloud computing but I am always eager to learn new technologies on the fly. I am a quick learner with a researchers mind.

Location: Washington, DC Remote: Yes. Willing to relocate: Not at this time. Technologies: golang, python, aws, docker, virtualization, LXC, KVM, edge computing. Résumé/CV: https://lucasch.dev/pdf/lucas_chaufournier_resume_update.pdf Website: https://lucasch.dev/ Email: lucaschaufournier@gmail.com


Currently looking for roles in the Washington, DC area. I'm leaving my Phd program, where I focused on research in Edge Computing, to find a role that has more impact in the world. Looking for exciting new roles that are high impact and allow me to intersect my knowledge of tech with my creative side while also interacting with people! I like to wear many hats and be thrown into where I'm needed. My background is in systems and cloud computing but I am always eager to learn new technologies on the fly.

Shoot me an email and let's have a fun conversation.

Very cool website. I've been trying to learn react lately and this seems like an easy to use approach.

Heads up though: The first exercise seems to have lowercase/uppercase issue where it expects 01-HelloWorld-solution.js but the file is actually named 01-helloWorld-solution.js. The same is true for the exercise itself 01-helloWorld.js ==> 01-HelloWorld.js.

Once you rename them it seems to work just fine!

Ah the ol' case-insensitive filesystem

Location: New York, New York Remote: OK Willing to relocate: Yes Technologies: Distributed Systems, Edge Computing, Python, Docker, Golang, Some JS, C.

Résumé/CV: https://thelimeburner.github.io/research/lucas_chaufournier....

I recently left my Phd program in Distributed Systems due to a feeling that my research had no real world impact. I am now looking to work on interesting problems that have a blend of tech and a meaningful impact. I have experience building systems in golang and experimentation frameworks in python as well as using deployment technologies from XEN and KVM VM's to Docker/LXC/etc... I have also worked on both security and multi-path networking problems in data centers as part of my research. While my industry experience is lacking, I am a self starter and willing to learn quickly on the job. Ideally looking to start February 1st, but am very flexible.

Email: lucaschaufournier at gmail.com

Amazing. If only there was away to get around the limitations at that level.

Well...two decades ago, 500 GB of data would have been moved as freight, too. Data expands to fill any available capacity - I don't think there is any way around that.

About 9 years ago, while working as a system administration consultant, I had a gig to fly a portable hard drive with about 360 GB from LA to St. Louis as part of a migration of a web application. It was faster than the network connections available to my client at the time. I remember calculating the throughput...

I asked why don't you just FedEx it? It's too important, the client said, and we know and trust you.

It was funny, I had it in a laptop bag, and didn't let go of it except to go through the security scanner... the only thing missing was the handcuff connecting it to my wrist. :)

Well...you are probably not going to throw a hard drive at a client's door and run. A delivery guy might, as it's just another cardboard package, not priceless data (might be easier now with SSDs).

Indeed, getting a trustworthy courier service is so hard that actually sending an in-house employee is worthwhile, even though their hourly rates make this extremely expensive: you are removing tens of abstraction layers, while preserving high degree of control ("Oh, we might have run it over with a truck. And accidentally put it on a plane to New Zealand on hop #3. And they can't seem to find it there.")

Fair enough. :)

We considered rsync but were wondering if there were more specialized tools available. We figured that those who work in the scientific community would have a way to transfer their large data sets between institutions.

We transfer large files containing raw radar data, and moderate sized files contains databases of target movements and track information.

We use rsync.

When I worked for the local university we had to transfer data between machines to run experimental parallel programs on so-called "big data."

We used rsync.

Ahh ok thats good to hear. Have you considered using multipath transport protocols with something like rsync? I am curious if it could benefit this situation. MPTCP sounds like an interesting protocol if you control both hosts. https://www.multipath-tcp.org/

We were/are always restricted by intermediate limits on throughput, so it's never been useful or interesting to consider alternatives.

YMMV, but if you want to improve throughput, consider carefully where your data has to go through. But rsync is rock-solid, well-understood, mature, and just does exactly what it is intended to do.

If you have a high-bandwidth link and are in a hurry, use GridFTP (http://toolkit.globus.org/toolkit/docs/latest-stable/gridftp...), otherwise just use rsync.

Scientific institutions that need to transfer large data sets have fast connections. :) How does 340 Gbps sound? Check out ESnet. http://newscenter.lbl.gov/2014/10/20/does-high-speed-network...

I heard about ESnet while consulting at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

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