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I suggest u spent 5min on youtube to learn how motorcycles, bicycle and EUC's, brake.

I've been riding those daily for years. Today I am going to Alameda naval base where they've set up an EUC racetrack on the tarmac at noon. I don't know what part your'e taking issue with, but physics is best communicated with free body diagrams and equations, which are difficult to articulate in conversational english and interpret correctly as a reader. I'm sure there's countless ways to misinterpret and nitpick my comments, but I'm not going to squabble over those or spend too much time rewriting anything — I'll just say I stand by my arguments from years of experience, so try to read my comments in that light first. If you had an actual point to share, share that instead.

"Octopus throat runs through brain" and the "blood supply in FRONT of the retina cones n rods" were the other 2 that are often mentioned.

Many of the people in this threat at quoting their younger years. i didnt hear anyone quote,

> Taste Bud Density: Children have more taste buds than adults, and these are more sensitive. This heightened sensitivity can make certain flavors, especially bitter ones, more intense for children. The number of taste buds decreases as people age, which can lead to changes in taste sensitivity and preferences.

Counterpoint: I actually has less spicy tolerance now than I did when I was younger simply because I eat less spicy food in the past few years.

Also, you don't need taste buds in order to taste the spiciness of a pepper because it's mostly a pain sensation.

I actually could barely taste at all as a child due to a very severely deviated septum. When I got it fixed in my early twenties, my tastes changed dramatically

Mindful of German report on automotive.

OpenAI voices are excellent. The ones on recent "HeyPi.com" app for iOS update, crush it IM0.

RIP dear friend

FTL. See NiagraFiles.

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