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Hello and great site! Just a note that the "business" isn't spelt correctly. I'm enjoying it ATM. Tks.

Oh, lol. Just fixed it!

I haven't used SQL Server directly in a while, but IIRC, we can use the identity() function, which does 2 things: 1. tells the system to start counting at a certain number, and 2. tells it to increment the next number by a certain multiple (i.e. x2)

I do agree that serially incrementing numbers may sometime be relegated to the history books, although this is such a baked in function that, lacking any other prebuilt functions, old-time SQL developers simply reach for it.

hi @mihaifm -- it could simply be a wallet address that one can forward the coins to I believe?

this is cool @prohobo! may I ask how you classify tone? I have a completely unrelated project (enterprise app with thousands of documents) on which I'd like to apply to. TIA.

I can't say specifically which algorithms are run on it, but GDELT runs sentiment analysis (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentiment_analysis) on each article, and they have a new data set called GKG which is all about emotion mining.

this is pretty neat! any plans for dynamic content, or data sources? as well could you be able to show how the authentication mechanism works?

Yeah definitely. I imagine it’ll just have to auto-build whenever I gets upstream data updates. I’ll make sure to update the docs; it’s pretty simple atm, just invite a user (set them as a content editor or developer) and they can join your site. And if you want to give them build access you add them as a collaborator on the repo.

tks @mmmateo! I'm also thinking more of allowing them to manage their own "things", whatever they may be. presently i'm leaning towards something like a CMS, with some kind of storage (s3? or something else?) that backs it. I did not look at the source, but this would be something like a gatsby with a front end, so much more new-dev, wannabe-dev, or partime-dev friendly.

here's my thought on the "raging" debate -- what if, just what if, we are free to set up "stores" where our computing devices can connect to without liability and with the same level of complexity as with the default one being offered up? walled gardens create opportunities for abuse, which, unfortunately for us hapless developers, impose yet another level of bureaucracy.

Cannot agree more. one of the default settings I used to set my windows computers on is "adjust for best performance". that used to really remove all sorts of nonsensical animations. I would suggest UI designers include this option in their apps. the first 2 times the menu bar progressively shows its items may look cute, but after 500 times it's really an annoyance.

Another pet peeve I have is when web pages shows very little content because: 1. the fonts are too big 2. there are too many sidebar (top/bottom/etc) items 3. the graphics or icons take too much room

i have some ideas about optimization but will reserve that rant for another time.

if you don't mind, can you share the brand of the machine, and your source for preroasted beans? i'd like to get into this too but am not sure the best approach

So I'm currently using the Behmor 1600+ as my roaster, and Happy Mug Coffee as my green (unroasted) coffee bean supplier and also my tea supplier.

If you want to start with a less expensive roaster you can find recommendations on reddit at /r/roasting.

hi again, just watched the youtube where you presented OPA on KubeCon 2018. i'm interested in it, but it appears most of your use case is around infrastructure. do you have use cases where it is applied in the application itself? for example, you mentioned Netflix used it for their infrastructure -- would Netflix use this to manage all the paying subscriber functions too? I imagine functions such as

1. what movies are available to my region 2. is this profile allowed to watch a certain movie? 3. can i view my account settings?

may be a good fit, but just wanted to be sure. another area may be in gaming, where new functions such as: 1. am i allowed to access this weapon 2. am i allowed to be on this terrain map 3. who my team members are

may pop up.

I have some application use cases that are very similar along these lines, so I'd like to know more about this before going in deeper to evaluate OPA.

that being said, all looks positive and i thank you for the good work you have done, specially open sourcing it to make it available.

Hello! You can certainly use OPA to answer the kinds of policy questions in your examples. OPA is not tied to a particular domain (which is why we call it general-purpose.) Whether you're writing policy over movies, games, etc. it's all the same to OPA (JSON).

tks for getting back to me @tsandall. what i was wondering was OPA's performance scalability when it comes to millions of hits -- do you have any metrics or known implementations you can share with me?


does it enable HATEOAS?


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