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I don't know how its for other Unis, but YorkU (Toronto) has the Visual Schedule builder that lets you see the schedule and select the section based on the time.

...that said, they have the other extreme of classes ending at 10PM...

That's a different issue. And something that can be easier done by purpose-built non-GPT systems.

Nobody said it's easier or more optimal with GPT-3, the problem is that it's possible at all.

What illegal behaviour? GPT-3 is only spitting out public data. Its like blaming someone taking photo of a road for the photo including some random person.

To the best of my knowledge: GDPR has no exception for public data. If you have PII, you need a reason. Consent is a reason; "needed for the requested business" (eg. home address for online shops) is a reason. "Having fun with autogenerating sentences"... doesn't seem like one.

Did you also blame white people after Timothy McVeigh killed 168 people? Or when Stephen Paddock killed 61 people?

What part of Israel are they from?

Um, depending on where you live, wouldn't that create some legal headache?

And people already complain about paywalls. And even make tools to skip past the paywalls.

The problem with paywalls:

1) they ask for an unreasonable amount of money. If they could just charge what they'd otherwise earn from ad impressions on that particular page view, it would be fine.

2) there is no global, anonymous (from the website's perspective - I don't mind the payment processor keeping records for AML/KYC purposes) micropayments system, and card payment fees make micropayments unsustainable

3) subscribing to the website requires providing personal details, with no guarantee they won't be used for tracking/marketing/etc. Cancelling a subscription is also intentionally made difficult - see the New York Times.

4) all paywalls require subscriptions - there's no "pay per view" mechanism. Do they really expect every web user to have a subscription to dozens of different news websites? Unless you literally spend all day reading news, it's bad value for money.

Just casually skipping over the highest peak (Windows 7) I see...

The last one that could be made to look like NT4 / W2K; yeah, definitely the best all in all. (Though it was of course somewhat bloated from all the .NET stuff.)

Newpipe is a good option too.

Thankfully, anyone on Android 10 and up already has sharing of wifi via we built in.

As should any of the new routers.

My new router came with the QR code stuck on. ios and apparently android have wifi sharing but its still going to be problem when an android user visits an ios user.

Fortunately, the two rarely comingle.

There's actually an album called Ubuntu. Quite possible some duncehead set up a bot to download all torrents with Ubuntu in the name and scrape the IPs.


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