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In a commons folder?

really love this. Where would one start in order to get better at this? Mainly porting old games to wasm

Thanks! Emscripten is the tool that makes it relatively easy, for stuff with source code available. So I'd say pick something and try to build it with Emscripten.

For stuff without source code you'll have to use emulation. DOSBox and MAME have web ports already. I haven't looked into them much. But the Internet Archive has a big collection of games that run in them already. So check that to see if the game you want is already available.

Really nice. What is your latency?

I'm not sure how to objectively measure this but if you have an idea I'm happy to give it a try and let you know!

For the record I live in Taiwan and apparently we have some of the best internet access in the world. And, I get 5g basically everywhere in the country, even when I'm deep in the mountains.

But subjectively I can say the latency is usually unnoticeable at like 30mpbs, though I'm sure a pro fps gamer would notice. The latency from the Bluetooth controller is far worse. What is a little annoying is the I think compression artifacts? Whatever it is that causes blockiness when I move my camera around, that isn't really visible on static objects.

it's linked in the article. It's this cable https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BLXLSDN5?th=1

Merry Christmas to you all.

Great concept! What if the user is offline, makes updates to the local/embedded DB, but when it gets online there's an issue in syncing that prevents updating the postgress with the SQLite changes?

Is SQLite reverted to postgress and thus the changes lost?

The client does not update its state to the authoritative state of the server as long as there's pending writes present in the client's upload queue. If there is an error with uploading a write to the server (either a network error or the server returning an HTTP error response), the write will remain in the upload queue and the upload will be retried.

If the server can automatically resolve an error or conflict, it would return a 2xx response and the client's state will be updated to match the server's authoritative state.

If the conflict/error cannot automatically be resolved, there are a few options:

- The server can return a 2xx response but record information about the conflict that allows a user to resolve it (e.g. prompt a user to manually resolve the conflict — either the end-user or administrator for example)

- The server can save details in a dead letter queue

More details are documented here:



They built that reputation on merit. But for the past 10 years they focused a lot on profits. Ask any mechanic and no one in his right mind would recommend getting one. Unless you don't mind paying frequent high fees for repairs.

It's really easy to compare the current situation with the 98. Burry has been calling out the index fund bubble for quite some time. In 98 there was a .net bubble which looks more to the web3 craze we had in the last years.

98 was very different in how much regular people where pumping up the stock market.

Exactly, if the author would have looked at least at PE ratio the conclusions would have been different. Seems like amateurish writing

If it is a bubble what can take the wind out of the sails? A few experts screaming about it doesn't seem like it will be enough.

Baby boomer mass retirement. This will increase the selling of shares across the board, since boomers will need to liquidate their assets to finance their living expenses when they are no longer taking salaries.

Sounds plausible, any idea what proportion of the large index funds they are thought to own? In the same vein, I wonder if pension funds can pose a risk or if they are self perpetuating enough to not cause any fire sales.

Baby Boomers have been retiring for quite some time already. The Baby Boom was from 1946 to 1964[1], so the oldest Boomers are now 77 (well past the usual retirement age) and the ones in the middle are around 68 (many have retired already).

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baby_boomers

Spoiler: it's a rowing boat with the shape of Bezos' face. Pretty impressive

Have you tried running remote via parsec (if you want the full desktop experience)? With proper internet connection you won't realize you are on a remote connection.

I will make a note to try Parsec. I've been using RDP with both devices connected to the same LAN over ethernet. The experience is very good, the biggest annoyance is that I have to deal with Windows.

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