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This is fear mongering bs. These crimes would have been committed with other guns if not with ones formerly owned by government agencies.

Government agencies throwing out old inventory instead of selling it would a total waste of money for little to no benefit to the public.

How many formerly owned government vehicles were used in crimes, such as DUIs?

I find it rather humorous to suggest that an agency like the DEA, with no actual function besides getting marketable goods out of a market should marginally lower their costs because market impact is a pipe dream.

+ The DEA has essentially nothing to do with this topic.

+ 52,000 guns is approximately how many guns Americans buy in any given day.

+ The market impact of government agencies selling old guns exists but is minuscule.

The DEA has to do with this topic since you are contradicting a federal decision.

Your use of statistics here is meaningless. 52000 is not the number of guns they put on the street.

The market impact is real and covered in the article. People specifically search for police guns because they are cheap relative to other properties that make them appropriate for human on human violence.

"It is not libel to say that the ICJ's statement is a strong indication that a genocide is ongoing"

"This does not mean that the ruling does not indicate that the court thinks a genocide is occurring."

You've seen the video and are continuing to disagree with what the ICJ president herself has explicitly said. If you want to claim that Israel is committing genocide, you're free to do so, but don't continue to lie to yourself or others about what the ICJ has said now that you have been corrected.

"If you simply look at the definition of a genocide and the facts on the ground, you should quite easily come to the conclusion that this is a genocide..."

If you simply look at Israel government's military capabilities and the facts on the ground, should quite easily come to the conclusion that genocide is not the goal.

The Israel government's intention is clearly to kill enemy soldiers, even if it means killing civilians in the process. This is the same attitude that most countries have adopted in times of war.

The Allies did horrendously unethical things (like fire bombing millions of civilians) during WW2 but even that wasn't genocide.

Claiming that Israel's government is committing war crimes is a much more reasonable argument. It may not be true but it's not obviously false, the way the genocide claim is.

Ask yourself what Israel would do if every member of Hamas was willing to march out to a battlefield and meet them head-to-head in a large scale battle. Would Israel keep sending bombs at houses or would they target that battlefield?

Most people could be convinced that the right-wing Israel government is being unnecessarily brutal and hamfisted in their response to the Oct 7 attacks. If the goal was to convince more people to pressure Israel, that would be possible.

But the insistence upon specific word use ("genocide") is a transparent attempt at signalling in-group and out-group status. This has been a common pattern among political extremists for a long time. There's always some kind of rationalization about why its important but it's never the real reason.

Being divisive is the point.

Just like Trump's adherents signal their in-group status by pretending the 2020 Election was "stolen" so do the extreme left's adherents signal their in-group status by claiming Israel is committing a "genocide".

In both cases, the goal is not to actually convince people of something that is obviously false. The purpose is to have a loyalty test that can be used to differentiate friend and foe.

It may be an under count but probably not by any huge amount. Although there are a much larger number of people that are desperately poor.

Japan has a relatively low cost of living (especially in rural areas), reasonably good social safety net, low drug use, high levels of familial support, and other factors that make it remarkable. It's pretty hard to become homeless.

But even in the US, where all factors are far worse, there is a surprisingly small percentage of the population that is homeless. The absolute numbers are much smaller than most people would guess (even accounting for under counting).

We tend to focus and exaggerate homelessness because it is so visible. Poverty in general is a much bigger and worse problem everywhere.

Also even Tokyo has some extremely cheap housing options. They are not great, but at least roof does not leak too much. They might not have full niceties like big kitchens or showers or even bathrooms. But they are very cheap.

The bottom end is much lower than in west in general.

Doesn’t the birth death ratio in Japan make this easier to solve? Housing is constantly being freed up by deaths, but apparently not conserved by the government or non profit to house those without housing.

They also have massive societal pressure to conform and a ton of 24 hour businesses like internet cafes. It is likely that the definition of homeless being reported here doesn’t capture people who don’t have a stable address but would never come forward to be counted.

"code blowing up because of this issues"

I ran into these issues all the time with Java, C++, and Python projects.

But it's just not the experience of running Go in production, which I've been doing for over 10 years now, across many projects with many devs.

In practice, nil checks are just not very difficult to include everywhere. And experienced Go programmers don't use exceptions (panic/recover) almost ever.

What you said is:

1) Anecdotal

2) Based on faith that someone will not forget to do something instead of a well documented mechanism in the language that could block that from the start

Having nil/null to handle empty references is simply very bad design and there's decades of examples why. The correct way is using a two-value type like Option, Maybe, etc. so that the (possibility) of the value missing is actually encoded in the type system

Really cool work. I'm still slightly paranoid about the overhead of leaving tracing enabled all the time but if it really is 1-2% that'd be totally worth it in many cases.

More awesome work from the Go team. Thanks!

> but if it really is 1-2% that'd be totally worth it in many cases

As one of the people who worked on the optimizations mentioned in the article, I'm probably biased, but I think you can expect those claims to hold outside of artificially pathological workloads :).

We're using execution tracing in our very large fleet of Go services at Datadog, and so far I've not seen any of our real workloads exceed 1% overhead from execution tracing.

In fact, we're confident enough that we built our goroutine timeline feature on top of execution traces, and it's enabled for all of our profiling customers by default nowdays as well [1].

[1] https://blog.felixge.de/debug-go-request-latency-with-datado...

I love datadog but you guys really give splunk a run for their money in the invoicing department :/


Go has a race detector that you can leave on for a while in like a dev environment and it’ll flag race conditions. There was documented overhead and at some point even a memory leak but they spent months looking into it and eventually plugged the leak and the saga is now part of their official docs. It’s really interesting to see that kind of stuff laid bare so I would trust that this feature will at least run reasonably well and if it doesn’t, they’ll likely fix it: https://go.dev/doc/articles/race_detector https://go.dev/issue/26813

The race detector is an invaluable complement to a language like Go that lacks compile time safety. It meaningfully increases the confidence in code and is anecdotally both good at finding races while also giving straightforward error information to plug them. It won’t find everything though, since it’s runtime analysis.

In general, Go tooling makes up for a lot of the intrinsic issues with the language, and even shines as best in class in some cases (like coverage, and perhaps tracing too). All out of the box, and improving with every release.

Only if we leave Smalltalk, Erlang, Java and .NET ecosystems out of the picture.

Ah yes, the notoriously popular and actively contributed Smalltalk ecosystem.

Doesn't change the fact of being there first, with a rich standard library, and one of the ecosystems that drove the design of rich developer tooling, decades before Go was even an idea.

No on claims Go was "first"; I don't get why you're so obsessed by that. The previous poster just said "The race detector is an invaluable complement". And it is. There was no comment at all about any other language; it just says "this is a nice thing about Go".

If you don't like Go then fine, no problem. Everyone dislikes some things. No hard feelings. But why comment here? What's the value of just stinking up threads like this with all these bitterly salty comments that barely engage with what's being said? Your comments alone consist 13% of this entire thread, and more if we could all the pointless "discussions" you started. It's profoundly unpleasant behaviour.

The Go community is quite deep into it being the first into fast compilers, co-routines, slices, static compilation, and rich standard libraries.

The commenter said more than that.

"In general, Go tooling makes up for a lot of the intrinsic issues with the language, and even shines as best in class in some cases (like coverage, and perhaps tracing too). All out of the box, and improving with every release."

Best in class?!?

> The cost of race detection varies by program, but for a typical program, memory usage may increase by 5-10x and execution time by 2-20x.

That's "let's run the race detector and get some coffee" overhead, not "let's leave it on in dev" overhead.

Still cool that they have it available!

The main value of the race detector is enabling it for tests (go test -race), and then writing sufficiently exhaustive unit tests to cover all code paths.

I do think most gophers, instead of tests, use a combination of prayer and automatically restarting crashed processes when they inevitably panic from a race, which seems to work better than you'd expect!

I am always running everything in race mode when developing locally and have caught stuff before.

I was just thinking today that the case style is the only thing I continue to find objectionable on a day-to-day basis after a decade of writing/reading Go.

I've fantasized about the idea of a future `go fmt` version rewriting all the code which seems possible if somewhat impractical.

I'd wager that most Americans want fairness in relationships with other countries. And also want the government to protect them against hostile foreign governments that wish to do them harm.

Americans subject themselves to all kinds of restrictions in terms of what can be imported into the US. There's no contradiction of the freedoms protected by US Constitution in this.

There's certainly no information that Americans need deny themselves by insisting that apps like TikTok are not controlled by hostile foreign governments.

Maybe not you personally millions of Americans are being directly harmed by China every year.

They're threatening to invade Taiwan, a friendly and sovereign country. They're supporting Russia's invasion of Ukraine. They're spying and stealing IP. They're harassing and threatening dissidents in the US. And the list goes on.

Probably the most aggressively awful thing China is doing is deliberately flooding the US with Fentanyl and other drugs, killing far more Americans than all gun deaths (including suicides!) per year.

The Chinese government is incredibly hostile toward the US government and population.

It'd be really great if China and Russia were friendly countries. The way the UK, EU, Japan, and most other major countries relate to the US. No one would like it more than most Americans.

But China and Russia are run by dictators and dictators have a tendency toward doing evil. It makes sense to shield ourselves against as much of their evil shit as we reasonably can.

The best solution to TikTok would seem to be for the responsible parties, such as Google and Apple, to add a warning message to apps believed to be controlled by governments. The same way Google already does with YouTube channels.

And for journalists and the government to investigate suspected ties and announce their findings loudly, so that people can make an informed choice.

But actually banning the app, even though it would be a good thing for users, seems like a fraught choice for a free country.

>The same way Google already does with YouTube channels.

In theory this sounds nice, but in practice it has a very pro-western bias.

For example:

Under BBC videos, the warning is "BBC is a British public broadcast service."

Under NPR videos, the warning is "NPR is an American public broadcast service."

Under CGTN videos, the warning is "CGTN is funded in whole or in part by the Chinese government."

The BBC and NPR are also "funded in whole in part by the [UK/US] government", yet it comes with a much nicer warning.

This doesn't work very well when the entity adding the warning is heavily biased.

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