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Do you have a link? Google just gives results about the US Navy detection of the implosion…


As I remember he talks about the sound detection thing.

I don't think that 4o will actually be available for free. It seemed like they were quite careful in choosing their words. My guess is 3.5 is free without an account, and accessing 4o requires linking your OpenAI account.

They only mentioned 4o, but they mentioned it explicitly at the start, well before they mentioned one can also tie in to their openAI account, if you have one, at the end of the presentation.

To me that implies 4o by default, but I guess we'll find out.

Apple must be paying OpenAI a pretty penny to give the best LLM tokens away for free.

It seems no money is exchanging hands!

Safer for the passengers, but increasingly dangerous for pedestrians.

And other cars!

That's when you get an even bigger car, for safety!

That said, two cars hitting each other's large crumple zones is probably safer than a car hitting a bollard or something else unforgiving.

Frequencies beyond the Nyquist limit alias back to resolved modes. So a combination of the camera plus a human eye to check that the flashing is “fast” (i.e. above the Nyquist limit) should be enough to verify the frequency.

A minor correction: anti-matter is actually regular matter. We understand it quite well, and are even able to create anti-atoms in the lab. On the other hand, dark matter is much more poorly understood: essentially the only evidence we have for its existence are observations of "weird" gravitational effects in the universe.

Also we have pretty strong evidence that, at least in the observable part of the universe, almost all visible matter is regular matter.

This has been my conclusion. I've spent the past few weeks polishing my yt-dlp scripts. Honestly, the experience of being able to watch any video I want offline and buffer-free is way better than the default YouTube experience. Sometimes I miss the comments section, but it is probably better for me that I don't have access to that.

I wonder if there is a market for a youtube downlod only mirror that creators can opt into, for this use case. Concurrent bandwidth requirements could be lower and no need for streaming tech. The service probably couldn't legally download from youtube and re-host, but if you made a desktop app that uploads to YT and the mirror service at the same time and mirrors the YT video ID on the mirror, that could be attractive to users.

All that said, how would such a service sustain itself? Probably ads. So really, same boat, different captain. I don't know.

Would you pay a subscription to be able to download your YT video queue?

> Would you pay a subscription to be able to download your YT video queue?

aka, buy youtube premium?

...which just got a 40+% price bump. And has zero guarantee that it won't have ads, doesn't remove sponsored segments, and sends a pittance to the actual creators.

It already has ads, promoted videos are still in your feed and still promoted over your own preferences, whether you pay or not. And of course it doesn't stop creators from having sponsored content.

So it already doesn't stop the ads. It just stops pre-roll ads.

Yes, but actually no.

The price has gone up while the Ads have gotten worse. I'll not support that financially. I'd rather just download it and move on.

To be clear, I get the need for ads, but in the past decade it's just gotten downright abusive, so they can keep it.

And get ads served some years later?

So cancel your premium subscription said some years later? At this hypothetical future time you’d be a lot more justified in piracy IMO, but today you don’t have much of a leg to stand on.

You build it around torrents and might earn the maintenance costs back with some non-intrusive ads.

It would be interesting to retrofit ActivityPub post feeds around mirrored YouTube videos.

Grayjay[0] for android does this with their 'Polycentric Id'.

All videos from multiple platforms supported by the app have a special comment section only available through grayjay. Functionality is still pretty limited, but it's refreshing to write a comment and know that it won't be picked up by a bot and shadow-banned/deleted without reason.

0 - https://grayjay.app/

I haven't tried this yet, but it the app's creation process was overseen/managed by Louis Rossmann

Yep, a while back I grabbed yt-dlp and I've been going through my bookmarks and locally archiving useful (or nostalgic) YouTube videos. My 8TB hard drive beats Google's enshittification.

I’m sure the faculty were thrilled with this tradition. Less pages for them to read!

Those devious academics probably inspired it

Reminds me of Joey Hess (joeyh.name).

That said, I think this take has aged poorly in light of recent history. For instance, Google was started as a small collaboration, but has since grown into an enormous company. Presumably, this growth was (at least initially) the natural result of finding that a couple people can only do so much. For another example, Sublime Text (a for profit text editor written by a small group of developers) is massively less popular than VS Code, which is the bloated work of a small army.

> For another example, Sublime Text (a for profit text editor written by a small group of developers) is massively less popular than VS Code, which is the bloated work of a small army.

Were you around in the Sublime 1/2 days? It used to be massively more popular than the alternatives, including Code, Brackets, Atom, etc. They fell behind because they cost 70 (then 80, now 100) USD and weren't as versatile or quickly iterative.

Is it? Every large company has a well compensated CTO whose job it is to think through these sorts of hypotheticals. But “nobody gets fired for choosing Microsoft”, and so the monopoly continues…

"A sound banker, alas, is not one who foresees danger and avoids it, but one who, when he is ruined, is ruined in a conventional and orthodox way along with his fellows, so that no one can really blame him"

The worst part is that very poor diversification / groupthink is exactly what creates financial bubbles and financial crises. We seem to be reaching that uncomfortable too-big-to-fail scale in computing / cyber security.

> We seem to be reaching

We clearly reached it at the 90's. We have been waiting for the other shoe to drop since then.

Other shoe will not drop because the liability for mishandling customer/user data is minimal. I don't expect a scenario where Microsoft (of even Microsoft's cloud division) folds after this. Bear Stearns actually collapsed after their fuckups.

Some of my large enterprise clients require us to use Microsoft too, so that decision can radiate outward beyond large, conservative companies.

The rise in student loan debt can alternatively be explained by increasing concentration of wealth in the hands of a few people. In the past (e.g. 40 years ago corresponding to a graduation date ~20 years ago), more families were able to save enough to cover the true cost of 4 years of college. Now many families are living paycheck to paycheck, and cannot create an emergency fund, much less a college fund.

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