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I don't know whether he knows it, but I think ZeroVer being a satire does not affect the essay's point much. There are lots of projects that start with major version zero (0.y.z) for initial development but then for some reason stick with it for long periods. There are also lots of projects that go with calendar versioning.

I am not sure about this but maybe one possible reason is that when you have more than one major version that is largely used, you must maintain two versions. For example, fix bugs for both major versions.

Interesting, and a nice idea. :)

As discussed in the essay there are still some potential issues with dynamic pages. [1] Horizontal resizes might change the location of certain HTML elements, if the website is designed to be "responsive". This is a problem that I still need to address. Another issue arises with pages that can be dynamically appended (e.g., through comments) towards the bottom. In this case, simply making a calculation based on the previous percentage where the user marked the page fails. This is yet another problem that I need to address.

However, the current jumping method seemed to be working fine for most of the sites I use, so I decided to release the app first and improve it along the way based on the traction it gets.

1. https://www.rugu.dev/en/blog/mark-scroll-positions/#3-decidi...

You are on point, the extension starts to slightly malfunction if the user starts to resize the browser window vertically. This is because of the assumption that `(window.pageYOffset + window.innerHeight) / document.body.scrollHeight` will approximately equal 1 when the user has scrolled to the bottom of the page (which apparently, is not necessarily the case).

Will address this issue ASAP. [1]

Thanks for finding an edge case which I did not notice :)

1. https://github.com/kugurerdem/mark-scroll-positions/issues/1


I was not aware that Vimium could already do what I tried to accomplish but to give you an answer: I made it possible that marks can be properly re-named and have their note taking place. You also have a management page where you can see all the marks that you have set for all different sites. Other than these, nothing so fancy.

There is still lots of room for improvement to make the UI/UX better.

Wow, I did not know this despite using it for a long time. It perfectly makes sense though. Thanks for letting us know :)

I think the important point of the essay was that as long as you are not exploiting anything and trying to add value to the platform, it should not matter whether you are promoting yourself or not.

And yeah, I think HN does a good job of balancing the measures taken against spammers/exploiters vs. providing a place for you to share your essays.

Yeah, I think the important thing here (and the point of the essay as well) is that whether the content you share is yours or others' should not matter much as long as you provide value to the platform.

This being said, I also understand having some measures against spammers, and so on...

I think HN does a good job of balancing the measures taken against spammers vs. providing a place for you to share your essays. Especially compared to some of the internet communities I've seen or heard so far. As long as you are an active community member who is not here only to promote yourself, sharing your essays occasionally seems to be perfectly ok.

Yeah I think HN has a better balance than most. Reddit by far is the worst about this.

Just checked Stylus and it seems exactly what I needed before! There are always some UI elements that you want to get rid of. :)

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