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Obviously you work for CF. I did read the full post.

Well, this is disgusting behavior CF. I wonder if OPs company suing CF?

Indeed. Based on what has been shared by OP, they could have a case.

If OP’s business was in fact illegal, CF should have stated it. Now it seems CF is an evil sales driving monster. A monster that grew so big it thinks it can do whatever it likes.

The sad part is that, assuming OP is not leaving out critical parts, multiple people play parts of this evil machine. I’ve seen how sales people think. But this is next level toxic culture. The second customer threats of leaving for the competition, they freak out and pull a bigger lever to destroy them. And the fact that a company allows this to happen…

I would never do business with CF. Good thing i don’t right now. Cause i will definitely take it elsewhere.

This disaster management now needs disaster management..

Let us know the results please

Second sample has significant hi-hat style sustain, since I know it is hot water it should be a steam. First sample has really little amount of this sound which might be produced from bubbles. First sample is really interesting because it has 2 bass lines: first starts at 900Hz and rising to 100Hz, second starts at 600Hz and quickly dropping to 400Hz and keep lowering slowly to 300Hz. Definitely not harmonicas, it is something like 2 independent resonating frequencies for something inside of glass-and-water sound source. Bassline of second sound is singular fat line; firstly it starts at 700Hz and slowly grows upto 1kHz.

Probably the 2 basslines from the first samples (cold) was something that bothered the dog, maybe the thing is in rich sound such as chord vs single note. I don't care about bubbles but when I will have an access to a nice microphone I will try to record more samples of this. The hard part is how to remove water from the glass between 2 or more experiments because it is important to have really similar setups without moving the glass even slightly.

Something in the page kept reloading it when scrolled down trying to read on mobile firefox

Yeah, you really don't want to read this on mobile. It's 200 print pages, I have no idea how long you'd be scrolling.

(I need a better nav menu solution for mobile, at the very least)

I imagine you put a lot of time into this. That’s why I pointed out about the critical bug in this page - it sporadically reloads the page completely preventing it’s use on mobile. 50% of users are mobile users in the general case. Just my 2 cents

Okay that's.... there isn't anything on the page itself that would even do that so that should definitely not be happening.

Could I ask you to file an issue about that over on https://github.com/Pomax/are-we-flying/issues ?

If you are running MSFS on mobile... Seriously?

Next step is usually into regular code. We stepped into Godot, in our case. After working with scratch on one serious project you realize its limitations and their associated pains. And moving to regular programming language relieves most of this.

That's one thing scratch really needs: a quick way to switch back and forth between "visual" programming and text based programming.

Need to change the title it’s browser extensions not Web extensions.

Please read these quotes from these links to better understand why it’s not wrong.

“Extension is a plug-and-play, zero-config, cross-browser extension development tool for browser extensions with built-in support for TypeScript, WebAssembly, React, and modern JavaScript.”

“WebExtensions are a way to write browser extensions: that is, programs installed inside a web browser that modify the behavior of the browser or web pages loaded by the browser. WebExtensions are built on a set of cross-browser APIs, so WebExtensions written for Google Chrome, Opera, or Edge will, in most cases, run in Firefox too.”

You’re making up differentiation where there is none. Browser extensions are called WebExtensions. The terms are used interchangeably in practice.

> WebExtensions are a way to write browser extensions

Even if “technically correct”, the tool still specifically creates WebExtensions, it does not create “non-WebExtension browser extensions”

You are welcome to go to their respective repos and make your arguments there. I just pasted the quotes here.

They’re right, it’s your “correcting” comment that’s wrong

Nice! I shall give it a try. Looks like a very developer oriented tool.

Could anyone please tldr this for me? Sounds interesting, but tldr

Same utility as animations in general. Such animation as this one for example fits when a user receives something or solves a challenge and similar

Those don’t have utility, either.

I don’t know why web devs feel like they need to tell users when they’ve succeeded at something like clicking a button.

People understand when they’ve accomplished something. We don’t need rituals around this, even simple ones like this.

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