how it will not hurt reddit given any search result will give them a chance to throw you some ads? fuck reddit, i'm deleting everything. you can always use web cache.
I have a very bad brain, logseq helps me answer things i would not be able like when was the last time I've seen someone, what are my most frequented places so I can easily recommend when someone asks, know if I already watched a move before renting it or get nearby concerts so I can plan the weekend before it's too late, quickly find tickets i bought half year ago, how much money did I spent the past trip, and all kind of personal information. all in a single place, just one Ctrl-k away. I only store personal info, no blog posts, technical notes or work stuff.
I use plex and only archive music because my collection is rare and will degrade over time (vinyl). not owning the media is what prevents me from using these services too (apart from the lack of catalog). fortunately there's bandcamp and some other sites that understand the rights of the consumer. btw plex + plexamp is fantastic
Today I just released my take on personal music streaming. Some days ago "Phan An" released Koel ( and made me smile because I already started a similar project time ago, however instead of ripping of Spotify UI, which I personally find terrible, I made a "power user" UI that is album-centric (they way I listen music to), keyboard navigable and has a powerful filtering "omnibar". Check it out, it is just one "npm install" away!