Try TabXpert extension. It has session tracking (the latest version is saved automatically, no duplicates), supports tab groups, and has real-time sync with the Cloud. You can even work in the same session on different profiles (PCs) simultaneously, it will sync your work bi-directionally. And it has import from Workona.
Thank you for the suggestion. I went and checked it, but this is not it.
I see several answers in this post that don't understand what Edge or Arc do when it comes to tab/workspace syncing.
It's all seamless. When I move from one computer to the other one, without having to do absolutely any step, everything is open and in the correct workspace in the other computer.
Hi Fedor, it looks good, and I'm going to evaluate it soon! Could you please tell why it's free and if it's going to be a paid app soon? If yes, what would be the pricing model? If not, what is the monetization strategy for the app if you don't sell customer data? Thanks.
I'm glad there's a pro plan. Personally, if I'm going to add something to my workflow, I prefer to know that it'll be maintained and stick around for some time! Not to say that there's a 1:1 between paid services and them living long but charging customers is at least a good first indication that a service is serious about their offering :) I just signed up for a month and best of luck!
It’s been a question for a long time whether go freemium or just paid with a trial. We went along with freemium since biggest competitors offer that too so we are in a similar position.
We don’t collect user data so we can’t sell it