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The two most used ones in the past few years:

WAP – a small utility to control my balcony-local drip irrigation system https://github.com/kitallis/WAP

hisaab – expense tracking and categorizing because my bank doesn't do apis and sends credit card reports in PDFs https://github.com/nid90/hisaab-clj

This is great.

Here's a custom implementation with Stimulus using Popper – https://github.com/tramlinehq/tramline/blob/main/app/javascr...

And here's one for <dialog> – https://github.com/tramlinehq/tramline/blob/main/app/javascr...

quiz: try copying the name of a track/album from the desktop app

For Play Store, it specifically mentions that it only does:

> When you submit a new build to one of the tracks (internal, alpha, beta, or production), they go through different statuses, e.g. “In Progress”, “Completed”, “Halted”, etc. Each of these will send a new notification to your team.

Ah, I misunderstood... I thought it somehow had full review details. Thanks for the gentle explanation!

Yes, thank you!

I plan to add phased rollout user distribution too, so your team gets an update when the app rolls out to e.g. 5% of your users → 15% → 50%, etc…

This is cool!

I built a similar open-source thing a few months ago which pulls in a lot more information and you can even control things on the store through Slack commands: https://appstoreslackbot.com

Currently, it only works for iOS and is pull-based.

This is amazing!! Congrats on putting together all that functionality!

How many users are using that service? How come you decided to make it 100% free?

Your website is beautiful btw! I thought about building my tool as a Slack bot but thought that then it would be too limited to only Slack. I intend to add other types of workflows in the future, such as webhooks (to trigger special workflows in your CI) and a RSS feed :)

I'd love to connect with you if you wanna work together on something! t.me/rogerluan

We have around 10 users right now since we haven't marketed it too much. But would love to spread the word around.

We built this in about a week as it mostly piggybacks on a critical piece of infrastructure behind https://www.tramline.app, and hence kind of runs by itself.

So we didn't really care for adding pricing to it. Tramline is what we _really_ build :)

The service itself just currently happens to respond primarily as a Slackbot, but that's just an implementation detail and can be tweaked.

Would love to connect, let me ping you on telegram!

I checked Tramline and it sounds like a great tool! It definitely deserves more attention!

GCP allows editing memory and CPU on VMs, which is super handy.

> If I'm fixing CI I always put it on a feature branch and do a squash merge once I'm done. Because it's never just one quick fix, it's always 3-10 commits.

The problem is GA also does not allow you to commit a new workflow in a branch. It must first exist on your primary branch and then you may tweak it in another.

If I have to commit several trash commits, I’m happy to squash locally and then do

    git push —force-with-lease origin main

Not cool if you work in a bigger team. Especially if there are some people that are not super experienced with git, and have no idea how to fix that locally.

But if you're working alone or in a smaller team, that's perfectly fine.

One of my biggest gripes with Actions is that it doesn't allow you to trigger workflows for a specific SHA. Only the branch HEAD.

This is pretty much possible in all other CIs.

You can pass a sha into your workflow and then check it out.

This reminds me of the David Foster Wallace video on "puff words" or genteelisms - https://youtu.be/52kiS1oV2k0

There's also https://github.com/staples-sparx/Agrajag which I've been working on. It is an abstraction on top of repmgr and repmgrd. It relies on repmgrd for quorum and uses zookeeper as a distributed store for who the new master is. This way your apps/bouncer/HAProxy can read off of it. It does not use zk for leader election and relies on repmgrd for that. It's a move away from the normal repmgrd style of push notifications to a pull + broadcast mechanism. This allows many nodes to broadcast the same information (increasing the surface area of success) and fencing old masters.

repmgr and repmgrd are written by core contributors of postgres and this is just an orchestration layer (with built-in monitoring) on top of it. It's very much under development at the moment.

More details are here: https://github.com/staples-sparx/Agrajag/blob/dev/doc/tradeo...

There are plans to add more lines of defense in cases where repmgrd dies. I'll be speaking about it a bit this week at pgconf.in if anyone's interested: http://pgconf.in/schedule/a-postgres-orchestra/

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