Think the majority of the technical crowd overestimates the value of the idea, building something and actually getting and talking to customers. 99% of folks will do nothing about this.
I agree with your disagreement. The retrieval of pen and paper are awful.
The problem is that we are overly complicating PKMs and and knowledge systems and focusing on storage instead of thinking or active retrieval which mostly comes from the fact that people tend not to know what is important and how to engage with it.
A simple journal timeline with bullet points and insights / interesting things that are relevant to me made a difference.
I have no idea how I would have stored these in a paper format dragging with me whilst travelling.
Having a spouse helps, but overall I think this is a road to depression. People are social creatures and you need to be proactive with friends especially in the adulthood and also participate in communities if time allows (sports, interests etc.)
It was a great game and one of those which stuck in my head despite being a kid back then.