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Please, nobody ever left their doors unlocked all the time, if trust was _really_ that high there wouldn't have been locks at all.

We did when I was a kid. Nobody locked their doors in my town. In fact multiple people just had blanks over the holes meant for deadbolts.

Then the local powerplant shut down, and the manufacturing associated with it left as well. The largest employer in the area besides those two moved operations to China. Then methamphetamine became popular and then heroin, too.

Now you can't leave anything unlocked or outside.

I'm sorry you never got the chance to live in a high-trust area.

A lot harder to find one now.

Yikes. This is more of an incredible claim than the counter. I'm shocked that you are willing to make it so confidently.

For the majority of my childhood and teenage years the door was never locked. I don’t think it’s a British thing to leave your keys on the seat, but they were always in the hallway, right next to the unlocked door (like everyone else I knew).

I’m trying to think of the point this changed, and I can’t, but I would guess around 2008-2010 or so.

For sure we did. Our backdoor, and that of all the neighbours was unlocked day and night. Same for my grandmothers' house and her neighbours. 1970s.

We did when I was a kid and my uncle still does. It’s sad that it’s hard for you to fathom safe communities.

no that's correct, it's the right content.

The quest 3 is almost 7 times cheaper than the vision pro (499 vs 3499) and provides incredible value for the price. I doubt very many people are actually going to buy the initial release of the vision pro, who is paying almost 4k after tax for a devkit besides developers and rich enthusiasts?

If you see a knife move away from it.

also awesome name by the way. That's a man that knows what a vehicle can do.

if it's moving towards you, yeah. Good advice.

You don't actually believe this given the recent issue between these two countries do you?

"Look, you're just FORCING me to become a 'neo-nazi follower' by helping these people too much!"

A more apt description would be, taking money from Insrus pocket and giving it to someone else. Someone who deliberately broke the rules and exploited a system designed to help people in need.

I'd be pissed too if that were to happen to me.

While playing around with the N-word is certainly distasteful, the underlying question is pretty crucial.

Once upon a time, when Western economies were relatively stronger (compared to the rest of the world) and Western nations much younger, idealistic people constructed asylum systems that were rather generous to asylants and awarded them the same welfare payments as to the locals.

Year by year, the "global parameters" have shifted bit by bit, and these idealistic systems are now unsustainable. Germany cannot afford to be Sozialamt for millions of young men that manage to get there. It has too many unmet obligations towards its citizens, and most people tend to agree that citizens should come first.

Refusal to even look at this situation and reflexive blaming of all problems on "far right disinformation etc" will only make the necessary correction in the future much more painful and complicated.

Some countries, like Denmark, already understood the situation and adjusted their systems so that they don't attract people looking for better living standards under the guise of asylum.

It’s a very poor tasteful way of saying anti-immigrant sentiment doesn’t appear in a vacuum. That some auto label such people with this sentiment as neo Nazis is another issue.

This is what happens when the established parties refuse to do anything about it and don't even address the issue seriously, instead immediately labeling people who see the problem as "Nazis." The obvious conclusion from this is that these people are inevitably supporting parties that see this is an issue.

If you can make a plan to solve a technical problem and execute on it in a successful way you're an engineer. There may be differing levels of expertise and "rigor" but we should be more generous with the title if anything. There are a lot of extremely talented "non-technical" people out there building wild solutions with excel/zapier/etc... that deliver value and contain a ton of technical complexity but are very hacky and brittle, but at the end of the day it's still engineering.

The product is obviously defective compared to other manufacturers where this isn't a problem. This is not absurd it's pretty easy to understand. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Product_liability

Product is in full absolute legal compliance of regulations. The correct people to sue are those who approved these regulations and those who voted in people who approved them.

A car that is easy to steal is not a problem if there's no motivation to steal it. That's what I was alluding to with the last sentence of my post. This is a standard example of thinking that societal problems are best solved by technology, and all that does is drive us further into corporate dystopia.

Sure thing man we'll just solve crime lol.

There's only one side holding the debt ceiling hostage, it's just a conservative problem.

Ironic, considering they literally had the power to raise the debt ceiling for two years while they were in Congress. But it's too much to ask that they have less than a year of foresight.


The would have needed Manchin's support, and without periodic debt ceiling emergencies he wouldn't get as much airtime to advocate for cuts.


Raising the debt ceiling isn't righteous. The dollar is almost exclusively backed by two things: the petrodollar and the subsequent ability to open the gates of hell in order to defend it.

We are right to consider why we are a primarily export-based economy with a dollar tied so tenuously to oil. Blaming Republicans, when in fact it's a problem of crony-capitalism, is somewhat shortsighted. Some of the richest, filthiest, congresspeople are Democrats. To assert it's one-sided is very sound-bite politics of you. I would go to open secrets and see just how equal congresspeople are in exploiting the national debt for political and financial gain.

The debt ceiling needs increasing when the budget that was already approved needs money. If the contentious part is not spending so much then those Republicans shouldn't have approved the fucking budget at first.

This line of reasoning makes no sense... Holding the debt ceiling hostage is just posturing, and from your comment and some others it really seems to work even in seemingly intelligent people, imagine with the rest of the voters?

Agreed. Although progressive politicians, or as I like to call them, the right-light, do contribute their fair share of problems.

It's also a democrat problem in that when dems get power they haven't just decided to eliminate the debt ceiling all together.

But then, that's because moderate/conservative democrats have decided it's to scary to eliminate the debt ceiling (there's not enough votes for that). So maybe still a conservative problem but not entirely a republican problem.

You don't even have to do any of this, you can compile for windows and use the SDK (once you've enabled developer mode in the steam deck settings and paired) (https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/steamdeck/loadgames) to add your packaged game as a new title. I've compiled and tested games from unreal 4 and Godot 3.something without issue using proton. Using the SDK vs ssh is really nice since it shows up in Steam automatically and updating is easy (just redeploy via the SDK). Be warned the SDK is windows only.

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