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Made https://meeteffective.com/ for useful 1 on 1 meetings. Not charging for it though right now

Sorry if this is unsolicited feedback, but reading:

> Conduct your most crispest and productive 1 : 1s

Feels awkward to me.

> Conduct the most crisp and productive 1:1s

Could be more organic?

Hello All, I wrote this twitter client to scratch an itch and to reduce context switching while browsing twitter. This client neatly classifies tweets(or atleast attempts to) into categories such as sports, politics, travel and also allows you to add custom categories. For e.g. academics, music, entertainment. All classification is keyword based.

Thanks for visiting! nitter looks cool. Though not exactly for browsing your twitter timeline? More like a scraper?

It's what I use when there's a twitter link I want to read without jumping through all the hoops twitter.com creates for no-JS users

1. Open a github.com account

2. Use that as a base to build a public portfolio

3. There are many code golf based platform such as https://www.hackerrank.com/ - Get an account and practice. Others without account - https://projecteuler.net/

4. Also sites which may or may not be great at job hunting - https://hired.co.uk/, https://linkedin.com/

5. Go to meetups - find meetups in meetup.com or google mailing lists. Search for User Groups in your area. London is obviously the best place(sheer numbers) to do this in the U.K. but Edinburgh and other cities should have in some form or another. Universities. A lot of companies keep holding tech events in their offices - that is a good way to get a foot in the door.

6. Build something useful and demoable - search for things you have interest in.

7. Apply to early career/internship programs at companies

All the very best.

I'll second 1/2. This is something I did and it definitely helped me.

Feel free to take this for a spin - http://trysensible.com/

It has that and more!

Open source - https://github.com/kgthegreat/sensible

Slightly related - If you want a pre-categorised tweets feed with ability to add new categories, I have written one - http://trysensible.com/ (Open source https://github.com/kgthegreat/sensible). It comes with some standard categories such as politics, sports etc. but you can add whatever categories you want such as - music, academia and start adding your own curated list of keywords to support this category. This is written in golang and is open source https://github.com/kgthegreat/sensible

Distinct but small services each with 1-5 endpoints

In web scale companies, it is not uncommon to have that many. (including the engineer:microservice ratio). Code re-use is generally handled by standardisation of services (including, language, libraries and frameworks). Reliability is taken care by metrics based measurements. It is truly a wonderful world. Of course, the path to el dorado lies in investing in world class platform and devops including painless CI/CD, Rollout/Rollback.

This is interesting and corresponds with the post https://builtwith.com/detailed/slimvoice.co

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