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I haven't yet had the luxury to experiment with the latest version of Java, but this is one of the reasons why I wish Java introduced named parameters the say way kotlin and scala do.


  data class Make(makeId: String, name: String)
  data class Model(modelId: String, name: String)

  data class Car(make: Make, model: Model, year: String, ...)
Now you can go ahead and order the params whichever way you wish so long as you're explicitly naming them:

  val v1 = Car(make = myMake1, model = myModel1, year = "2023", ...)
  val v1 = Car(model = myModel1, make = myMake1, year = "2023", ...)

Even after 10 years, SourceTree is still my goto when I need UI click-and-drag.

I don't think that this is associated with Atlassian (the JIRA company) in any way. Or at least I can't find any association on this github page.

Hey thanks for sharing your experience with their customer service. This alone is dissuading me from purchasing the tablet.

I wonder if there's a chance of compensating for this terrible service by getting good contents insurance with the product?

Nice concept.

How does it add to Anki? Ie - just the word in isolation? Or within a sentence? If the latter, how is this sentence generated?

Thanks. It extracts the sentence from what you're reading, and adds both the word and sentence to the card, with a link to the source material if it's from the web.

Sorry for the naive question, but if you're changing all your bindings to vim, then why use emacs at all? Is there any extra functional difference?

Emacs is more like an ecosystem around text, so switching keybinding does not matter much. And most people's system is installed on a single computer, very much like Photoshop or Visual Studio. Vim is all about editing text and the keybinding are like a DSL for this purpose, so changing things will make you awkward everywhere.

The clue lies in the fact that you can customize the editing experience to function like Vim. Because that’s one out of a thousand different ways you can customize that app to function like a one-off editor, a Git client, an email reader, and so on.

There's a ton more to both editors than just keybindings.

See this post[1] where I talk about some of the things I've done with emacs -- none of which have anything to do with bindings.

You can do millions of other things too, as I'm not using emacs nearly to its full capacity. Same with vim.

Bindings in editors are like symbols in math. Yes, they're necessary, and you can do a lot with them, but symbols are not nearly all there is to math.

[1] - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35560107

Vi is like an standard for moving around and editing text files. I use Vi-style commands in all my editors: Emacs, IntelliJ, and VSCode. For me, any application that supports Vi keybindings and has some sort of command palette will feel like home.

Regarding why edit files in Emacs instead of vim: I simply work on Emacs. I don't use a CLI or a file manager to navigate to my files, I already have projects set up in Emacs and can quickly open files in any such projects. Emacs also holds my note taking system. And when I'm dealing with git, nothing comes close to magit. Also, I've been using the Spacemacs framework for years, which makes it really easy to create such a customized and efficient configuration without much hassle.

The reason people like emacs has nothing to do with the default key bindings, which are basically arbitrary. Emacs is a framework and programming environment for building custom IDEs.

You get the vi bindings and modal behaviour which I find better _plus_ all emacs functions and most of the emacs bindings. I’m often mixing the 2 modes while editing.

I find it so fascinating that these plants developed carnivorous characteristics across totally separate lineages, geographies and timelines.

I also read somewhere that plants have gone in and out of carnivory (through the process of millions of years of adaptation, of course).

Slightly misleading title. They're closing 8 of their stores across NYC, SF, etc, and this is after they just opened a few more across the US.

And according to Google Maps there are 9 Amazon Go stores in NYC right now, so this would still leave 7.

Which is just business as usual, figuring out which stores in which locations turn out to be most profitable.

You're right, but it's weird for such a tech-focused company to close stores in such a fashion, because we're used to the giant margins of tech. Apple has never closed that many stores that quickly.

Apple stores are famous for being some of the most profitable stores mankind has ever created. And there aren't that many of them.

These Amazon stores are just local convenience stores. They're selling candy bars. And Amazon is a much more "experimental" company than Apple -- they launch and shut down stuff all the time to iterate and learn. This isn't about penny-pinching or margins, it's about finding product-market fit.

The actual title is "Amazon Go closing 8 of its c-stores," the HN post title is misleading

They built one of these near us (years ago) and never opened it. They recently announced that it was going to remain unopened indefinitely.

That’s a completely misleading title then.

HN removes numbers from titles, as an anti-clickbait tactic, but it leads to errors like this.

From the article:

>"The retailer also opened a number of locations last year in Southern California. As of last month, Amazon operated 31 Go stores in total."

>"With these closures, the company will have 23 Go stores, the spokesperson said."

That's a loss of 8 stores.

It's a loss of 8 Go stores, but Amazon has been ramping up the Amazon Fresh grocery stores over the last 2 years. There are 33 Amazon Fresh stores from my count.

Amazon Go and Amazon Fresh are two distinct and different retail entities. The subject of the post is specifically Amazon Go. That being said, on the most recent earnings call Amazon also announced that they were "pausing" the rollout of Fresh stores.

“We’ve decided over the last year or so that we’re not going to expand the physical Fresh doors until we have that equation with differentiation and economic value that we like, but we're optimistic that we're going to find that in 2023,” [1]

[1] https://www.supermarketnews.com/retail-financial/amazon-halt...

> after it opened a location in Puyallup, Washington that follows its larger suburban-focused format.

Sounds like they’re focusing on the suburban market instead. Related to rising crime in the cities maybe?

And the 2 “closed” in seattle have been boarded up for some time, they are in an area that became even higher crime during Covid and never really recovered.

More accurately: they are in an area that dropped to zero foot traffic during covid and never really recovered. I think the literal number of people that go past the store on 6th is lower than the number of crimes committed in most areas.

One of those stores was only accessible by badged Amazon employees, too. It was basically just a grab and go cafeteria for them.

Dear Youtube: Please please please have an option to filter out "shorts" on the web version.

None of the normal controls exist: playback speed, jump to position, etc. The desktop web interface is a terrible place for these.

Behind the scenes the shorts are just normal YouTube videos. You can change the /shorts/ to /watch?v= in the URL and they work fine.

There are addons to do this redirect automatically, but I haven't bothered.

Why they force the terrible UI on desktop is beyond me though.

I use an extension to remove them - no affiliation but it seems to work. Chrome: "No YouTube Shorts". Between that, a plugin to remove already watched videos and my ad blocker, youtube is a way better experience!

I use Remove YouTube Suggestions: <https://lawrencehook.com/rys/> It has settings for a lot of customizations, including removing shorts. (You can keep suggestions if you want to.)

You can remove Shorts with this uBlock Origin script https://letsblock.it/filters/youtube-shorts

I'd like the option to filter out cable tv news designed to emotionally outrage from my recommendations.

I'm well aware there is a land war in Europe right now, when I turn on the TV at 6pm on a Thursday to watch cooking videos I don't need reminders pushed in my face.

Out of all the issues with youtube, this is probably the one that has the most real negative cognitive impact for me.

Lot of replies to this describing hacks/workarounds/scripts for something that should really just be an option in the official interface. I get that this is hackernews and everyone's just trying to be helpful, but I'm sick of needing to do work on my end to work around crap UI decisions.

As a stopgap, you can use a URL redirector:

    Redirect: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/*
    to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=$1

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