I figured linking straight to the site was good way to just show what’s going on and assumed most people interested would understand the context, but I see how it might not have been the best idea.
This already happened after the “adpocalypse”. A lot of channels turned off ads on their videos and started doing direct sponsorships instead. After a while, YouTube decided they would just show ads on every video, even if the uploader had disabled them.
>Yet, for all we know and ever will know, it's exactly how their feature might work.
We already know how it works, it’s based on App Intents. It’s how Shortcuts has worked for years, just instead of meticulously making your shortcuts for each automation you want to do, you essentially get an ML model to make one on the fly.
The company might still be around, but the product has suffered major damage. I’ve been hopelessly addicted to Twitter for a long time, and couldn’t get myself to stop using it after the sale even if it went against my morals. But over time the site just got so unusably bad that I eventually couldn’t put up with it anymore and the problem solved itself.
I started on Remicade, but sadly I was one of the few who didn’t see results and I managed to get a lot sicker while waiting for it to do its thing. I got put on Upadacitinib and so far I feel a lot better, if it keeps working this well then I’m very happy to just have a pill to take daily. It’s pretty new, but from what I’m hearing it’s very effective.
Fingers crossed for the new pill! I've also heard that JAK inhibitors work wonder for a lot of people who didn't get results from TNF inhibitors. And it's probably way easier to tinker with the dose if need be :P