YouTube changed to thumbs up/down from 5-star rating system many years ago like Netflix. They learnt most people either give it 1 star or 5 stars. It’s also hard to understand the meaning of 2,3, and 4 stars in the context of a video.
If you are a good at your job and want to deliver fast then you need to adapt to changing circumstances and continue on. Nothing wrong if you can’t but I have learnt that’s how you play along to deliver your best continuously.
Same with my old man. He is a farmer in southern India. All the farms nearby are super identical with tall beetlenut trees. Im often confused where we are and which direction is the house, he is not. He has set over a 100 water gates across the farms and the instructions he gives is always east face or turn the gate north facing as an example.
10 Tintin comics/books came as donations to my small school in a small town in India. Hardy boys were also donated but Tintin just hit the sweet spot for me.
I sometimes think it's the artsy design which feels so warm. As an 11-year-old, I was mesmerised by them. I didn't understand a ton of things Captain Haddock said with English being the 2nd language.
The adventures were sooo good. I saw the movie when it came out more than a decade ago and it brought back so many memories.
Even today, I love it's aesthetic design a lot. I discovered Asterix and Obelix when I was 17 and they had similar vibes and energy with their designs in them too.
Popular Indian comics at the time (Chacha Choudhary and others) were great too but the design aesthetic were worlds apart.