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I get heavy 'spook' vibes from this users comment history. JW, but do do you have a source, sir? Couldn't find anything.

yes, you got me... I'm the CIA </sarcasm>

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You came into this thread with all that heat, w/ no source, and ignoring the subject matter. Didn't mean to alienate you as a spook. Your views just align.

Never forget:

Sen. Ron Wyden: "So what I wanted to see is if you could give me a yes or no answer to the question, does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?”

James Clapper: "No, sir."

When asked if he lied to congress, Clapper said: "When Senator Wyden asked me the question I simply didn’t think of the business records telephony metadata, at the time stored by NSA..."

Anything this guy touches needs a thorough investigation.

I store ALL my notes on charleskarpati(dot)com using .txt files or by using this tool I made: ipynb2web(dot)com

Ipynb content is mostly static content I'd like to share w people. It requires a git push to update.

.txt notes are stored on a php based shared host and managed via a hidden url. I use it for life notes, and todos. It's been working great so I plan on using this approach to add a blog to my site at some point.

My downloads folder just piles up till I sort what I can and dump the rest in my archive. The archive is real and an llm will sort it all out for me one day :) I hope.

Elections are for show. D&R officials pick the winners. So much have been revealed in the courts. Vote 3rd party or this will continue.

It was noticeable how hard the topic felt suppressed, even on hn somehow

The spirit of the law is being violated by a contorted interpretation of the letter of the law. I feel.

A lil game I play is to see how long until a pandering buzzword is said from the time I turn on the radio. Usually T < 3 seconds if not the very first word I hear.

It's a bit wild to expect more than one in a simple comment change doesn't happen overnight and smart people are saying "it'sa coming"

Malthusianism is from the late 1700s. Another example would be Paul Ehrlich who wrote 'The Population Bomb' in the 1960s with the quote:

> The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now.

Smart people make predictions about the future all the time. The problem is the future is hard to predict. The mere fact that birth rates in developed nations are falling below sustainment level calls into question any sort of extrapolation of when or if overpopulation will happen. That's not to say the Earth can support an infinite number of people because it can't; but that doesn't imply any specific trends we see right now will continue into the future.

Smart people also say it’s not coming. The correct conclusion is that it’s not clear.

There are 2-3x more applicants per job posting now than last year. I'd say yes.

I'd consider it a public transit service. We wouldn't be upset about people using shuttle busses to get to the parks, would we? I think long term footing the bill for an open platform with principle beneficiaries who use it is fine so long as it provides a net benefit.

If you have to pay for REST API OR shuttle busses which one gets funded?

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