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In case someone wonders, AMD has its own equivalent - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMD_Platform_Security_Proces...

Crowley saw demons as manifestations of the mind's architecture - real in their effects, but originating from within rather than existing as independent external entities. To that effect, they are very real, in the same way that the color green is real - subjectively experienced by humans with normal color vision, yet meaningless to a being with a different sensory architecture.

I too think demons exist but metaphorically only, in terms subconscious desires of the mind and how they manifest. For bad demons for example serial killers often report they feel possesed by demons. Demons and God(s) are deep irrational projections of the human mind. Power and greed could also be viewed throw this prism.

Crowley absolutely believed in demons and angels as Christians believe in them. See the HGA, the famous “Lam”. Although they aren’t seen as mutually exclusive

Crowley was not a truthful person. He was a bringer of darkness, not of light. Of selfish ignorance, not compassionate service.

No one can serve two masters.

Ok, so two is out, how about three? Like, some sort of trinity?

The Creator is a singleton, the Prime Mover, the Ultimate Loner, Unfathomable and Timeless beyond our comprehension.

We are one human race, each of us with both positive and negative potentials, as well as the ability to wallow in ignorance or choose to become either more selfish or more compassionate. Those are the three possible paths a human can traverse. There is no fourth path.

There is one foundation of all forms of religion, regardless of customs or culture, and is always to become consumed by compassion for all human beings, in service to the Divine Will. There is no -- and must not be any human-dictated -- compulsion in religion.

"The greatest among you will be the servant of all."

There are many triples in this universe, including: the relationship between (1) our Creator, (2) Its servants, and (3) the Holy Spirit that facilitates our self-evolving towards becoming consumed by love, irrespective of form of religion. This concept is not unlike an RDF triple.

Only the One Creator may be worshipped, but the human servants of God are sent here to teach us how to live in harmony with the Earth for universal peace and the happiness of all human beings, including the belligerently selfish that choose to make mischief.

The servants of God always suggest that their contemporaries choose to connect with our Creator, never to worship themselves. They are here to help us see the Way, the direction towards It, how to create happiness.

Such a one is always humble; if they're not, then they're a faker, a liar, a hypocrite, a manipulator, or merely deluded into believing the lies of our horrible enemy, the deceiver of mankind, who ever works on our hearts and minds to distract us from the caring compassion we could be choosing.

"The Way goes in." --Rumi

"Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like uh, your opinion, man." --The Dude

You just stated your opinion that I can't possibly be explaining the truth because you don't believe that such truth is either an objective facet of our shared reality or that anyone -- much less me, religious programmer chess aficianado on HN -- can know such truth. Your opinion is the result of your choosing to ignore and deny the truth, which is well within your right.

My knowledge is not an opinion, but I fully expect most people to doubt that I am describing our shared objective. The world is not the way it is because so many people have tried to learn about our human nature or how and why we should be self-evolving ourselves toward Wisdom and compassion. No, willful ignorance is rampant upon this Earth and its effects are why this world is as it is, on its current baleful trajectory.

Your thinking that you know me is of no consequence compared to my understanding of how and why you think the way you do. Your fanciful conjectures are but a trifle in the sea of truth within which we exist. I am explaining a crucial aspect of the truth, in serviceful honesty and compassion.

You are free to make of it what you will; I know your life (and those around you) will be happier if you act upon my advice, but which decisions you sow are your karma to reap in their own good time. Good luck! As with all things human, you have the free will to choose however you like, in ignorance or in Wisdom. Just don't think that the universe is ignoring you or failing to propagate your karma. We all reap what we sow, for good or ill. It the most pivotal dimension to our human reality.

When I say that I love you, I do so in the purest meaning of the word, for I (1) only want you and all those around you to be happy, and (2) ask for nothing from you for myself or any cultures I am a part of.

Peace be with you. We truly love you.

“The worst thing is not being wrong, but being sure one is not wrong.” — Paul Tournier

The best thing is to know that you know you are right.

It takes humility to become a Dunning-Kruger true-expert.

For me to act like I don't know the truth is a kind of lie, and I despise lies.

I know that I know, and you think that I do not know, while I know that you do not know that I can know what I know, but that's because you don't even believe that what I know can be known, ya know? No, you don't, and I know you don't, thus your protestations and opinions are irrelevant.

You know the non-achievers in Dunning-Kruger? As an expert, I know why they're the way they are, and I know how they could get better. That's because I've trod the humble road of discovery and hard work, and I bear the fruits of that labor. Part of that fruit is knowing that I know. "Know thyself" is important for a reason. If you read what I write with an open mind, you will learn more about yourself.

The importance of humble, honest, relentless effort is the most crucial takeaway from D-K. That's why the low-achievers think more highly of themselves than they should, and why the opposite is true of the high-achievers.

“Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves” -- Matthew 7:15

Good thing I love everyone and have a loving family with two exceptional teenagers in this age of troubled youth. We laugh and have fun and my wife and kids are beloved by everyone they know, and each of us have developed personal skillsets that bring us and those around us joy.

I was about to post this, from memory:

"You will know them by their fruits."

Then I DDG'd it, and -- GUESS WHAT!? -- it was the verses that follow the verse you supplied :-)

Matthew 7:16-20:

You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

You know what the math genius janitor last said just after he left the bar in "Good Will Hunting", right?

I've been having fun with your unwarranted grandiosity, but seriously, this very much reads like someone in the middle of a manic episode, who believes themselves to have amazing capabilities and secret knowledge, and who needs to proselytize in exhausting detail their magical understanding and universal love to everyone who will hear it. I sincerely hope you're doing as well as you say you are, because it's a bit concerning.


I also suggested he get some counseling a few days ago. He is deep in the delusions.

I read his comments from time to time as entertainment on how crazy people are. To kind of keep tabs on what kind of crazy people exist, and what they are saying.

But after his latest comments, it is little more depressing. A raving lunatic can be entertaining. But it isn't entertaining anymore to know someone is having that many problems, and needs help.

Of course, it is on the internet, an unreliable narrator. Could just be a troll? Hard to tell.

I see there's enough apples to go around to those who would rather call me names and reply to each other than try to mount a cogent argument to the facts of life. Of course, it's easier for them to think I'm crazy or delusional than it is for them to understand that they're just plain stupid and arrogant. Of course, the biggest problem with the stupid is that they're often too arogant and stupid to know how stupid they are. That's why the Earth is as it is, after millenia of the carnage caused by widespread human idiocy and cruelty.

The first two casualities of the enemy of truth's war on human happiness are truth and love. Seeking deeper truths leads us to the importance of love, and seeking to be more loving grants us access to deeper truths. They are the two most necessary components of our virtues' upward developmental spiral.

I've heard it said, "Hurt people hurt people." Ad hominems and calling someone crazy is always the way of the vanguished foe, the ones whom words fail, and whose intellects have broken under the strain of the truth.

Once the ad hominems start, their loss has been written in pen by the arbiter, and the victor can explain the blunders that led to their overwhelming victory.

I am genuinely expressing my concern, but apparently that's upsetting, and I could see how that would be, but I hope you're able to reflect enough how your words would appear delusion to those who don't share your enlightenment. Your talk about the power of love and truth - it's not that profound, but you seem to think it's incredibly powerful, when it's just trite. And yes, when you say thing like "deeper truths" it sounds like you're celebrating secret knowledge, that you think you're smarter than everyone else for discovering the power of love.

You don't even know that you are the one so grandiose that you see fit to diagnose someone over the internet (you're a freaking software developer).

Look, Occam's Razor says you're arrogant and ignorant, ok? But your ego is fighting this glaringly obvious truth because you're willfully ignorant and arrogant.

You can't make a cogent argument to a single point I've made, so Occam's Razor should be pointing you in a different direction than to keep up your incurious arrogance.

You tried to accuse me of being a false prophet, a wolf in sheep's clothing, with a Bible verse that only led to the next verses backing up my explanation that you were replying to, where I explained that knowing the truth is a fruit of the Path of Love.

Have you learned nothing from Dunning-Kruger? You have no humility, no points to make, and only ad hominems, in the face of an expert who has done the humble work to become a better person. Your "concern" could not be more worthless. It is born of your fragile ego that knows that if you follow the Path of Love, it will be transmuted from an arrogant fool into a selflessly compassionate bearer of Wisdom.

Pride goeth before the fall. My work here is not born of pride, but simply of my duty to bear witness to the truth; this is a compassionate act of service to you and all who read this. I say this in friendship, for your benefit, not mine.

Your attacking my person and the love I am trying to teach is not good for your happiness. Not believing in gravity will not save you from getting hurt falling from a height, and you are running towards the cliff's edge.

I have come in peace and kindness; you should treat both myself and the truth I convey better than you have. A mind only works when it's open, right?

I'm genuinely concerned that you believe your gish gallop constitutes refutable, cogent, points or actionable ideas. At this point I can only assume you're using ChatGPT to generate this text. On that note, I'm done. Please take care of yourself.

> At this point I can only assume you're using ChatGPT to generate this text

When you assume, you don't make an ass out of me.

Of course that's what you choose to believe, as you have no interest in learning the truth, and your ego generates a thousand reasons for you to keep playing the fool.

No, friend, this is real intelligence.

Thanks for playing. Buh-bye. Enjoy those apples.

Sketchy, indeed. Oh, Canada!

Questioning a man on the internet's mental health. Alrrrrighty, then.

"This house is clean." --Ace Ventura, Canadian pet detective

As I mentioned before, you haven't made any points with enough substance to argue against.

Anybody can say "I know the truth and you are wrong".

How do propose anybody argue against that. On what basis can anybody argue against what you have in your head, but is secret and un-knowable?

When making any counter arguments, you call them attacks and then start quoting a lot about Dunning-Kruger as if that is not an ad-hominem in return.

Frankly you scare me, so I'm out. Not even joking, you're scary.

On other hand. You put out 'a-lot' of text. So I'm also not discounting the possibility that this is GPT output just to Troll.

You only showed up here to call me names anyway, adding a few more here before noping out.

Perhaps your fear is the universe warning you that denigrating someone who loves you and is serving you is problematic for your happiness, which is precisely what I am trying to educate you on how to prevent.

Your selfish ego does not want to be destroyed by your choosing to embark on the Path of Love. Most people only identify with that negative ego, and believe its lies that keep us locked in cycles of selfish misery. We must overcome its lies in order to begin transmuting its/our heart's vices into their corresponding virtues.

It takes intellectual curiosity and bravery to embrace new layers of the universe's information, and in our human case, our resistence to expanding our knowledge into Wisdom comes from within our own being.

In our conversations, Occam's Razor is just as important as D-K for you, my friend. The reason that you can't make a cogent point is the simplest explanation of all: the truth can't be argued with. This truth and my conveying it here are built upon the simple fact that I love you, no matter what names you call me from high upon your lofty perch made of horsesh_t and bullsh_t and arrogance and ignorance.


> On other hand. You put out 'a-lot' of text. So I'm also not discounting the possibility that this is GPT output just to Troll.

I took typing in 10th grade and was already a voracious programmer. That was 40ish years ago. Occam's Razor explains my prodigious and intricate writing. It is a part of my duty. Thanks for helping me organize my thoughts in realtime.

Occam's Razor should explain why you can't argue one jot with me, my friend. Your ego is not your friend.

And what, pray tell, counter arguments have you two presented me?

You quote these terms a lot, seemingly as responses to an argument. Just saying the other person is suffering D-K and should use Occam's Razer is itself not a winning argument. If you are trying to make an argument, don't just state something outlandish, then tell the other person 'use Occam's Razer' and think you won something.



Try using a more formal approach, state something more tangible, some premises, and follow by some point-to-point logic.


If you are going to start so far outside normal conventions, try providing a little more background, a setup for the argument, then make a case for some point.

This can all seem difficult with these short internet arguments. But since you already put out so much text it shouldn't be a problem, maybe this would be more productive.

I have explained how D-K's two resulting groups vary and why those differences are important for human spiritual development.

The fact that you think I should read about topics I already understand is just more arrogance from you, my friend.

You started calling me names and suggesting that I seek mental health help. Do you not find your behavior problematic? You should, and that's why I refer you to Occam's Razor. The term 'ignorance' is based upon one ignoring the truth. You and your friend have together questioned my mental health while I type rings around you, encircling you with unassailable logic based upon compassionate self-evolution of ourselves via learning how to make better decisions.

Your ego can't cope with the truth, because I'm trying to help you rid yourself of it. Read my explanation about the Golden State Killer, and know that I am not making sh_t up, and also know that your belief system has ZERO explanation for either that bastard's behaviors or your own stooping to call me names and question my mental health, all because you can't assail our explanations of the universe vis a vis our moral predicament.

At some point, Eugene Parker simply stopped arguing with the established astrophysics community and merely said, "We'll see who falls flat." And now the Parker Solar Probe is doing its thing out in space. There is no reason that the "Sufi Science of Human Self-Evolution" would face any less a challenge. In fact, such resistence is to be expected, because all our egos fight this path. I am not superior to anyone, I've simply been granted the grace to make a bit of progress on the path, and have learned from people far greater than myself.

Humility is the most important result of D-K, and neither of you two have a lick of it. That's why I keep bringing it up, friend. Few of Eugene Parker's contemporaries had any, either.

Majority of learning surface will come from framework and not the language, if you need Python elsewhere just learn that as well, but this shouldn't move framework choice much.

> Majority of learning surface will come from framework and not the language

Once you get past the beginner level in Django, you're going to pick up a ton of Python knowledge (standard dunder methods, MRO, standard lib, data type's im/mutability, package ecosystem, etc.) and muscle memory along the way. Django (for the most part) is just plain old Python data structures, classes, and functions that a decent Django dev will apart, reuse, override, repurpose, and add on to as they do more interesting things. Python is boring (in a good way), however it has a lot of surface area (std lib is massive) and intricacies that a Django dev will pick up along the way to becoming an intermediate/advanced dev. It would take someone coming in fresh to Python quite a while to catch up. Naturally, if the same person knew several languages, the ramp up would be quite a bit quicker.

Ruby, and Rails in particular, has a lackluster dev experience with any editor that isn't RubyMine. That's been a huge obstacle for me personally.

Each to their own I guess.

Personally I like the ruby-lsp and TPope’s Rails plugin in NeoVim.

I dislike heavy weight IDEs, I never find the juice is worth the squeeze.

I want to like ruby lsp but it takes about 8 seconds to get method references in a large monorepo. It’s simply not good enough, and forces anyone looking for a good devex into rubymine

I'd suggest maybe trying either Solargraph[1] (which also works well for me) or a ctags based solution like ripper tags[2].

On the plus side, ruby-lsp is always being improved and worked on, so just like Ruby in general it's only getting better at what it does.

1. https://github.com/castwide/solargraph

2. https://github.com/tmm1/ripper-tags

Although a bit annoying to install I am still using the rails plugin for NetBeans.

I just never switched to Aptana or Rubymine and now I don't wanna.

ruby-lsp and rails-lsp from shopify is pretty good right now and getting better by the day. the vscode extension handles it well too.

Recommendation engines work on vast amounts of data they have on you and whatever made you speak about thing X was likely preceded by your internet activity which is not very unique as a precursor to speaking about X. In other words, if other people do Y on the internet and then end up doing stuff related to X, the recommendation engine will show you X just because you also did Y.

The other explanation is one of your contacts who were part of the conversation did things that either directly related to thing X, which you spoke about, or something the algorithm see other people do that relates to X, and you got shown ads based on your affiliation to this person.

I've also worked at FAANG and never seen proof to such claims anywhere in the code, and with the amount of people working there who care about these issues deeply I'd expect this to leak by now, if this happens but is siloed...

Eco guidelines apply to manufacturer's fleet sales as a whole, meaning a larger manufacturer which makes EVs and eco friendly ICE variants has the "budget" to offer models that are not eco friendly, such as your examples. Suzuki doesn't have offers on the market that would offset the Jimny's pollution so they can't sell it anymore.

I feel so to. The cloud billing model shifts responsibility to users under the guise of "flexibility" and "customization". Imagine a car rental company that charges you by the millisecond for every component - engine camshaft revolutions, tire rotations, windshield wiper activations, seat heating time and so on, but has the ability to set up alerts for each component so that customers "control" their usage and budget. It's just user hostile, risky by default cost model.

The alternative is charging for the rental by the day but a huge proportion of your customers (who probably own a bmw) constantly complain that they’re being overcharged and they want a discount cause they don’t need the blinkers, and refuse to pay for them.

I joke, but this persona is very real, and it leads you to this nickel and dime billing model.

Being cheap (in this way) is so often incredibly expensive.

Huge congratulations team, you were always one of the few Lithuanian companies I'm proud to talk about.

Didžiausi sveikinimai!

Bought the same machine from the same store last December, been using it ever since with a big grin on my face. I'll probably consider upgrading in 2028 or later.

Looks like lametric alternative?

Yeah exactly what I wanted to say, they also got a Pomodoro Timer app: https://apps.lametric.com/apps/pomodoro_timer/8803

Roughly, at Q8 the model sizes translate to GB, so ~3 and ~70GB.

You mean 8, not 3?

Yes, apologies, can't edit now

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