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This, exactly this. I know so many people who are "above average" developers that I would love to work with because they are nice, collaborative people that are a joy to work with. The biggest problems we've faced are with these so called "10x developers", who do get stuff done, but are a total pain in the a* to deal with!

This probably will never happen, but if they let me run MacOS on the iPad, I'd buy it in a hearbeat.

Agreed. From personal experience, I can tell you that cutting out carbs in favour of protein actually made me lose muscle mass! Once I got my carbs and fats up and averaged around 1g of protein per pound of body weight, I was able to grow and maintain muscle much more effectively. Plus, I did not feel tired all the time, which I most certainly did when I cut out carbs!

I would love to show this to my colleagues, but sadly we don't talk about bruno (/s)

Haha sick reference.

I'm completely agree with this. The people who like to dig deeper usually find structural issues that help you organise your tech debt and keep it maintainable. The other ones usually keep the ship moving forward and the product team happy, applying band-aid fixes where necessary. The key is to ensure that they are talking to each other!

> The key is to ensure that they are talking to each other!

Yeah this is exactly how I see it too. You need both of these people. Even being a rabbit hole person myself, I know it is easy for us to get lost. But I think the issue is we are fewer in number and what we see isn't visible to others. But there is a deep synergy between our groups that we must balance.

Now they've stopped supporting PWAs in Europe - dark times for web indeed...

As someone who works out regularly and tries my best to have healthy meals, one underrated benefit from caffiene (especially coffee) is that it helps me suppress my diet and fast for much longer! I have a couple of coffees in the morning and it helps me fast till 1pm!

does my kid count?

brr.fyi is quickly turning into my favourite blog!

It has turned into my favorite blog and the only one I subscribe to. I even went so far as to send them a note telling them how much I liked it.

I have no desire to go to the South Pole or any place that remote and secluded.

It will be interesting once this person finishes their contract and leaves what they will do. Hopefully they will continue documenting some aspect of their life as they have a great talent for writing.

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