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This is very similar to the paper http://www.isi.edu/~szekely/contents/papers/2012/szekely2012...

As per the paper , you can choose arbitrary distributions , construct a fluent graph , run Monte Carlo simulation and get the result - |via http://bit.ly/hnbuzz01 |

Once I fix the iOS client I will try working on the android client ( need to learning android programming for that ) . This was my first stab at a project using objective c . For now I will be closing the Beta , but thanks everyone for signing up , appreciate the feedback . Have fixed a lot of issues , added new features , will be launching soon on the AppStore - |via http://bit.ly/hnbuzz01 |

Which part you didn't like ? Have you installed and tried the app ? Any suggestions as to how I can improve the landing page or the app UI ?

I should have been more precise.

The aesthetics doesn't match the standards introduced by Apple, nor does it match the quality of apps you're competing with.

There is an obvious lack of consistency, concerning icons, colors, margins, etc. It seems like it has not been polished in any way.

Here are specific design decisions that I don't agree with in your application:

- Why is the title of your pages black while icons are black?

- Why is the overscroll color gray?

- Why is there a padding/margin at the left of items that reveal that gray background?

- Why alternate the colors of the items?

- The right side of the title of items is cut.

- Every time I refresh the items, a dark overlay is added (and never gets removed)

- The horizontal swiping interactions between the side menu, the sliding to reveal comments and the fact that the content of an item itself scrolls, make these interactions difficult to predict and non-intuitive.

- Why is the HN logo different when you're in the item details?

- Why is the comment icon different in the details?

I'm sorry, there are just too many things wrong with this app. I lack the patience to go through every issue, and I'm now convinced that it's not worth the trouble.

If you ever want people to use your software, seek the help of a person that understands design.

Appreciate the feedback , I will work on fixing some of these issues . Some of things were made specific based on user feedback but you have raised some valid points

Have fixed a lot of the issues, will be launching soon in the app store - |via http://bit.ly/hnbuzz01|

Back button is blue. The font used is just a shocker. It's ridiculously slow to load data I can't see my own "threads" view.

Thanks will look into the font . Using Hacker news api to fetch everything , but they do not support batch mode , so have to make multiple Api calls , I think scraping would have been faster . Will add support for my threads view

It's more complicated than what you are saying , what you witnessed is generally called behavioral targeting which is user specific generally . Sponsored search generally is a solution which shows ads which have your keywords in it . Behavioral targeting ideally should show you stuff you might interested in buying or buy on a regular basis , if it's showing stuff that you already bought , it probably indicates a stale feedback loop between two systems

About time

Really awesome explanation

Interesting article

its probably another efficient library, but its good to have another baseline to compare things

nice app, did you use any UI libraries that you found useful while building the app , esp for the flat UI and calendar ?

Hi kadder,

No I didn't, except for the Twitter-designed emoji and a few icons from an icon pack I purchased. I looked at many libraries for the month view but I ended up just making it myself so I could control exactly how it looked and felt.

You should practice on some toy problems. Get some KDD / kaggle data sets. Try to work on them. The advantage from these 2 sites is that they already have a solution published. You can always refer to the solution for help. Remember there is no right or wrong answer. Just a more accurate answer.

Try applying it some of the problems you want to solve. Mostly be patient. Unlike conventional programming, machine learning is non deterministic and can take some time to become a little comfortable

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