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Not affiliated: https://daisyui.com/

Also https://flowbite.com/ (and I'm also not affiliated).

There is something delightfully odd about a Tailwind project saying, "instead of writing 100 class names, use semantic class names" – which, yanno, is pretty much what everyone was doing already before Tailwind.

Yeah, I think the DaisyUI developers miss the point of Tailwind. You should almost never use "semantic class names" with Tailwind (and what even is a semantic class name, honestly? It's all context-, developer-dependent) and instead go for a component (using a js framework, a web component, or other) and write the component with utility classes.

I tried out DaisyUI and I think it had kind of best of both worlds and was pretty ergonomic. IMO the main issues with it were that it's just CSS (not much accessibility etc. thought out for me), but the design isn't that great (in practice writing custom components without DaisyUI could have gotten the same results).

Wait, it's not satire?

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