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The factory must grow, to infinity and beyond !

I would have had more sympathy for the author if they explained why they care so much about github stars. It's just internet points after all. At the very end, they say "What started as a side project has recently become a company" so if it's all about business, maybe they could have made that more prominent. EDIT: sorry, not meant to be harsh. Hopefully you get what you want and thank you for writing open source software

There are also notifications and more. It’s about loosing the community enabled by the social features of github.

Where are all these batteries and solar panels made ? How much GHG was emitted to build them, and how much GHG is expected to be saved by choosing this kind of electrical grid instead of alternatives ?

What are the alternatives? 100% nuclear with breeder reactors so that we don't run out of fuel in a couple of decades? How quickly can you build the required number of reactors? What do they cost?

Those cost greenhouse gases to build as well! The question is mostly a distraction, deliberate from some. We of course also need negative emissions; there is no way around humanity causing some greenhouse gas emissions in the foreseeable future.

A neat proxy is to look at costs.

For example, imagine a solar panel that costs $1000. They probably cost about $1000 to make, roughly. There may be some subsidy that allows them to sell at a loss but it’s safe to say it costs around $1000 to make, at a maximum.

You can also presume that energy is a factor in the cost to make a solar panel. So if 100% of the cost of the solar panel is energy, then some factory spent $1000 on energy to make that panel, max.

So that’s your hard limit on how much CO2 is being produced in the production of that solar panel: $1000 dollars’ worth.

I can't recall the source, IIRC it was EU research that looked at the lifetime carbon footprint of all energy sources. 'green' sources like wind and solar have a considerably lower footprint.

Which would make sense. At least in the UK, onshore and offshore wind are the cheapest sources going. Would suspect the amount of energy put into creating and maintaining them would mean that the LCOE is lower.

In a 100% renewable economy, where are the emissions coming from? Renewable sources don't create carbon atoms out of nothing. Cement production, maybe? Solar doesn't need cement!

If the economy is not yet close to 100% renewable, what matters is not small CO2 emission from making the renewable sources, it's how rapidly the remaining fossil sources can be displaced.

I'm not sure if there's such a thing as a 100% renewable economy, perhaps if you mean energy inputs yes, but there's always(?) going to be processes that involve emissions through 'work' as well as any emissions to create those renewable energy sources.

We can always offset. I mean, burning fossil fuels in itself is not a bad thing, but we know they're a finite resource and we simply have to offset those emissions with carbon sequestration.

Why shouldn't there be a 100% renewable economy? What energy inputs cannot even in principle be substituted for with renewable energy?

The reduction in fossil fuel usage needed to get to a climate-sustainable level is so large that any tolerable residuum could instead be handled by biomass.

The question is valid. But you need to ask the same question for a coal or gas fired plant which does emit GHG over its entire lifetime on top of what was needed to construct it and what will be needed to deconstruct it. I have heard that there are by now numerous studies that show batteries are better in cars as well as grid. Unfortunately I have no link handy

That's a good question that people use badly to sidetrack discussions about solar. The answer is that most research accessible online places the EROEI of PV solar at around 10. That places it in a firm "can be used" position, but too low for explosive growth, so any fast conversion into solar will need a large investment from some other energy source.

But notice that most research accessible online is old and solar is improving fast (while the fossil fuels can do nothing but get worse with usage).

There's a comprehensive comparison here that is interesting:


>How much GHG was emitted to build them, and how much GHG is expected to be saved

While this is a fair question, I love how these types of questions seem to only pop up with solar/wind/batteries (and by proxy EVs).

Nobody ever askes how much GRG is used to produce an engine block, cooling tower, reactor vessel, etc etc.


Just like no one asks how much ghg was used to refine oil into gas and transmit it to the gas station

Very useless comment...

A short googling tells you very easy how much co2 a solar panel is creating in production.

And yes creating a solar panel is relativly easy and consumes way less co2 per watt than gas or oil.

This website is overloaded with adds. It almost feels like a scam. Based on the fact that almost all other comments are not talking about it, I guess at least one of the following hypotheses is true (if not all of them): - most people here use an efficient addblocker - The website changed since its first appearance on the first page (maximize revenue?) - some comments are sponsored - on mobile it feels overwhelming but on desktops it's more bearable

> - most people here use an efficient addblocker

Yup. I was like, "this is a very oldschool site, super-essential, bare styling..." I guess all that whitespace is covered in ads for you, lol.

ha! I don't use an adblocker, and when I first loaded this page, it looked great! and then I quickly quit out and came to the comments instead of using it. And then I saw this, and went back...

Oh. I just wasn't on the page long enough to see just how many ads were loaded, wow!!

You make not using an adblocker seem like an active choice - can I ask why?

The continual attention loss dealing with ads is certainly more than the once-per-install job of turning on an adblocker. I'm surprised it isn't mandated in corporate environments to recover attention loss of employees.

It also tried to autocomplete CC data.. Feels like a scam.

It did that for me too. I can't see why though when looking at the HTML.

    <form name="Cerca" method="get" action="index.php">
    <input type="text" name="sur" size="8">
    <input type="submit" name="s" value="Search">
Maybe it is a bug in Chrome.

same tried to autocomplete CC data as well. (was using chrome)

> overloaded


got curious enough to turn off my adblocker: i was presented with TWO ads on desktop

i think you overloaded the term overloaded.

though they are huge on mobile.. and appear to be subleased or something. also there appears to be another ad element below the "(C)" line on mobile which is missing on desktop

There also seems to be a modal ad on hover out. Hadn't seen that used before for ads.

This made me curious, so I reloaded the site without uBlock origin, and for the most part looks the same; There is one ad at the top, one at the bottom, and a cookie info style ad banner scrolling with the page, 3 ads in total.

That's a rather humane amount and the only one that's really intrusive is the one all the way on the top, the scrolling banner can even be minimized to remove it, which leaves a total of 2 ads on the site, at least for me on Chrome.

On android chrome, I'm seeing 9 distinct ads just on the front page. Inner pages (specific countries) don't have quite so many.

Wow, that's a lot! Where are those extra ads located?

Gave it a try on my iPhone's Safari; The same 3 ads like on desktop Chrome, but there's two extra ones all the way at the bottom of the page.

This is the same for me. I only get the top and bottom banner ads that I was used to seeing 10+ years ago. Still too big, but they don't make the site unusable.

I haven't seen any ad. Thanks adblockers!

I gave up as soon as I realized that the form at the top was an ad and not part of the page. What a mess!

Brave browser ftw

> overloaded with adds

Overloaded? There's two ads per page, and occasionally one when I click a map, and they're not even in the way.

Strangely, I see no ads, and I don't use any ad blockers. Maybe it only shows ads to people in certain regions?

I flagged this submission and recommend this post be deleted and the submitter penalized.

Is there a rule about not posting submissions with ads? If so, most news sites would likely be heavily penalized.

In other words, what rules exactly do you think this post violated, and why should the submitter be penalized? For posting a site with ads?

Why? Sites need ads to keep running. There's only two fixed ads and one popup

I can't reproduce it anymore however when I last went there it somehow took me to one of those shady background check websites. I, too, can post spam websites if we want to go down that road

same here

I've accepted that the internet wants my data and have been using Brave for a few years now. Seems like a fair compromise, and their adblocking is pretty decent, even if I get to put up with their little pop ups now and then for BAT tokens.

I have it set to maximum ad rate, and just ignore them mostly. They are sort of intrusive, but also not really. Depends on what you are doing. I've had them pop up in the middle of working on some word file or excel sheet; but I also get my discord notifications the same way as well...

They don't interrupt gameplay though... usually? Depends on if you have a browser open while playing something in windowed mode I think. At that point you might get one or two popping through due to the browser being open. That sort of thing.

Again, seems like a fair compromise to me. People onboard with BAT get paid one way or the other, and I get to deal with less ads overall. (Seriously, it's a chasm of epic proportions the comparison between before and after.)

Youtube works fine, most websites work fine, and if ever one doesn't want to play nice; you either find something else or just turn off Brave shield temporarily. I've had to do this from time to time with banking for instance, since it was blocking something related to the banks log in process. lol. So yeah, it's not perfect by any means. But it's a far cry better than the others so far in my opinion.

And for those who may want to reply with something about how X browser is worse or better than Brave; that's nice but honestly at this point I don't really care anymore. I have Firefox on standby for those few situations where chromium based browsers just don't want to work, and guess what, that's basically all of them now; Brave included.

So far, this combo has fared me pretty well. If I could get something that does what Brave does even better without the crypto stuff included, I probably would use it instead. But that's probably going to end up being a heavily modified version of Firefox or Chromium somehow; and thus my earlier point about being 'good enough'.

There aren't enough tokens in the world to make me accept what you describe about brave. Always surprised when I read HNers actually using it. It just sounds really scummy what they do to me.

Quoting your dead comment for educational purposes...

> Just like how none here have a legitimate reason to downvote something that is just my personal preference and opinion based on usage.

Please read the guidelines. Crabbing about downvotes is on there.

> (Seriously people... be better than redditors.)

Please read the guidelines. Calling this reddit is on there.

> P.S. Who ever flagged my comment... grow up. There is no possible way I am breaking any rules right now. Not that I am immediately aware of at least.

Bottom left corner of the page. You're welcome.

Replying to you for... polite purposes.

Saying 'be better than' shouldn't be breaking any rules in regards to 'calling this reddit'.

I'm merely making a point that I've seen similar actions performed by redditors, and that I expect better. Is that really so terrible? If you think it is, you need to grow up and come to understand how reality actually works friend. Just because you don't like something someone is saying, doesn't make them wrong to say it. Not always at least.

For instance, if you are actually right to say what you said, and you see me as annoyed or angry for it being that way; are you wrong for having said it?

It's the same thing from my angle. We just have different views on what is acceptable in society, digital or analog as it were. I think it's acceptable to call people out for acting like deplorables. You think it's acceptable to call people for acting how you figure is deplorable. So we aren't really all that different...

I just stand by my opinion, because its correct; like it or not.

I mean for pete's sake... the website doesn't even have downvote arrows (that I can see at least) and yet some of you are still downvoting... lol... Just like Redditors.

Check mate.

Stick around and make positive contributions and you'll see a downvote button. Can't remember if it's 250 or 750 karma.

Arguing with somebody who's patiently explaining why you got flagged isn't productive. I didn't flag or downvote your dead comment, but for the record, I would have if it wasn't already dead. I'd downvote the comment I'm replying to, but cool feature, you don't get to downvote direct replies.

And, downvotes are for quiet disagreement. Unpopular opinions go grey. Moderation keeps the site more pleasant than other news aggregators. Greying out unpopular opinions does seem to quell the flame wars a bit. You'll get used to it. Nobody owes you a fight. After all, that's what reddit is for.

Fair enough I suppose, but just because I am saying things that disagree with you, doesn't not necessarily mean we are arguing. I am just stating my opinion on the matter, and being resolute about it. Just because you believe it is an argument, does not make it so.

And again, just because you think you are correct Klyrs, doesn't mean you are. Even if the admins/moderators agree with you, because their own logic may well be flawed too.

Of course this applies equally to me, but again... making inference of ones actions resembling the distasteful actions of others, should never be 'not allowed'. Such thinking enables terrible people to be terrible, and shouldn't be tolerated.

Finally, I know that nobody owes me a fight. This is why I say I am not arguing with you. I am merely making my opinion clear. If you see this as a fight, that's entirely on you.

You have a good day now.

That top ad, the one with the "search for names" text boxes that sure looks like you're entering info for your website that actually redirects you to another search website... yeah, that one is particularly pernicious.

Never seen that one yet? That seems new to me. But yeah I suppose it would annoy some people.

We use socat to buffer logs sent from containers (docker-compose) during the short window at startup where logstash and elasticsearch are not ready yet. Works great!

Similar: using it to get syslog out of self-chrooting ssh with minimal trauma: socat -u UNIX-RECV:/home/sftponly/user/dev/log,mode=666 UNIX-SENDTO:/dev/log

It's also an CLI IMAPS client, with history: socat READLINE,history=$HOME/.imaps_history EXEC:'"openssl s_client -connect mailserver:993"'

or a CLI web browser with history: socat -d -d READLINE,history=$HOME/.http_history TCP4:www.domain.com:www,crnl

or, if you have to interact with something that has no readline, say sendmail: socat READLINE EXEC:"sendmail -bt"

> if you have to interact with something that has no readline

See also https://github.com/hanslub42/rlwrap

Have you happened to blog about this? I'd love to be able to fix our setups with this trick!

Using java8 in 2019 is pretty normal. It's "only" 6 years old (released at the beginning of 2014), nothing like the cobol horror stories. The 6 years old java is not very different from what software you get from debian stable. The next lts java11 was released at the end of 2018 and does break some things so you need time to update. It was supported by oracle until Jan 2019, while other vendors have pledged support until 2023 and more.

And most importantly java8 is still a decent experience.

what cobol horror stories?

I've been doing the AoC in factor since the beginning and this year I'm trying rust. Looks like i'm following the opposite path as you are :)

I had fun participating in the google codejam using factor, and in 2012 I wasn't the only one ! https://www.go-hero.net/jam/12/languages/Factor

Too bad that google codejam limited the available languages starting from 2018..

Factor is a very impressive engineering accomplishment, the standard library has so many useful algorithms and data structures implemented, and almost all of it with very clean APIs and documentation.

That website is very broken now sadly, and appears to only have records going up to 2017. I can't find 2018.

They should

- remove the memoized versions (obviously it's faster)

- show the executed instructions for each language of the main loop (which would be a nice exercise with all the vms and dynamic languages)

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