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I work at a non-profit organization and part of our mission is exactly this. You can find more details here: https://indieauthorproject.com/

Another part of our mission is providing libraries an open source ebook and audiobook reader called Palace. Our project is on GitHub here https://github.com/thepalaceproject.

I've encountered frustration with Python packaging in two main areas:

1) Installing applications within Docker containers. While wheels have improved this situation, I was surprised that building a package for easy copying into a container and running without the need for installing build tools and extensions in the final container image was not straightforward, especially coming from other languages.

2) Distributing Python utilities to end users across various platforms in an easily installable manner without requiring them to follow lengthy instructions to set up all the dependencies has been another challenge.

We use Poetry and have largely "solved" #1 with a somewhat complicated Docker build. It works well now, so no one has to think about it much. That made deploying Python server-side fairly easy. However, #2 has been much more of a challenge, and I wonder if that is where other folks in this thread are feeling the most pain.

Pyinstaller has been robust enough for us to deploy Python written windows executables without any issues.

All of those problems can be easily solved by distribution packages.

Distribution packages are nice but:

- they require different instructions for each platform: one for each distribution: it's not possible to give a one liner that will work for all supported OS/architecture combinations, - distributions are not all updated at the speed of upstream. Sometimes users do not want to wait several years to use a recently released feature.

We dropped the penny in Canada in 2012 and I can’t say that I’ve missed it at all. Penny are still charged if your paying by bank or credit card, otherwise price is rounded to nearest 5c.

> If the price ends in a one, two, six, or seven it gets rounded down to 0 or 5; and rounded up if it ends in three, four, eight or nine.


> Alternative platforms already exist: one promising place to start might be the Palace Project and the associated Palace Marketplace.

It's great to see the Palace Project mentioned as an alternative in this post! I'm one of the developers working on Palace. The idea behind the project is to create a single app that aggregates all of a library's digital content and makes it readily available to library patrons.

If anyone here is interested in it, all our code is open source: https://github.com/thepalaceproject.

https://zoom.us - 502: Bad gateway

https://status.zoom.us/ - All Systems Operational

Seems fine to me.

Edit: Looks like the status page says MAJOR OUTAGE now.

Someone is debating with a VP right now… “But our whole website is down! We have to update the status page.”

“Nope. Leave it green.”

I was once on a team responsible for, among other things, the status page of a pretty big, important product. I always new somewhere in the back of my mind that status pages were not 100% accurate, but it was still a shock to hear my boss's boss flat out tell all the new hires that the page was mostly advertising and politics and that we only ever updated it if a VP had decided that it was ok if there were news stories about the incident.

I see you too are familiar with the Azure status page.

At my place in Germany works zoom.us as always very well. Website is working for me.

This is really cool. The killer feature I see is to be able to have a cloud storage tier for warm data that goes off to s3, while keeping the hot storage local. Does anyone know of another option that allows this kind of hybrid local / s3 storage that also has a filesystem interface?

Alluxio (https://github.com/Alluxio/alluxio) does this.

But note that it doesn't work well on Kubernetes and POSIX FS interface isn't perfect but then I haven't found any that are.

There is also aistore which you can use as a distributed cache in front of different systems (s3, https, seaweedfs).

> Since then, he has been unable to remember almost anything for longer than 90 minutes. ... Without a record of new experiences, the passing of time means nothing to him. Today, he only knows that there is a problem because he and his wife have written detailed notes on his smartphone, in a file labelled “First thing – read this”.

I think it would be fascinating to read the "First thing - read this" file on his phone. I can see why they don't go into more detail it would probably be pretty personal info in there.

Still as a mental exercise, its interesting to think about what I would write down in that file for myself.

I still have the problem that my 16" MacBook runs really hot with a external display plugged in. There is a pretty good thread on the issue on the mac rumors forum [1]. It seems to particularly be a problem at 2560 x 1440 @ 60hz.

[1] https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/16-is-hot-noisy-with-an...

Sounds like a great attack vector to me.


With Safari removing my ability to use uBlock in version 13, I've been wanting to make the jump back to Firefox on the desktop. The one thing that has been holding me back is that Firefox can't use the OSX Keychain for passwords. All my passwords are in my OSX/iCloud Keychain, and this is great. It works on my iOS devices and on my Mac and everything is lovely, but its keeping me using Safari on the desktop.

There was an extension that did this, but the API it relies on was removed in FF 57 with the switch to the extension API.

Long time Safari user as well, primarily for its speed and OSX feature integration (keychain). Made the jump back to Firefox in December and installed uBlock Origin, Privacy Badger, HTTPS Everywhere, NoScript and a video ripper/transcoder.

While entering my passwords into FF and exporting/importing bookmarks was a minor (and brief) annoyance, the utter joy of using a feature rich and secure browser with no ads made it worth the switch, even if I don't have keychain integration.

Give it a go, even just for a week.

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