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Could you try now and let me know if this persists?

Get the same error whenever I try a plus server on proton VPN.

It works (and i get a score of 0, from 80 previously) if I use a standard proton VPN server.


Same error on page load and when I put my IP in nothing happens. iOS.

For context, a few months ago we launched our Blocklists [0] feature which allows users to query 100+ blocklists and find all the ones where an IP address has been listed.

Blocklists based threat detection is however limited since they cannot contain every possible bad IP which leads to a lot of false negatives.

To fix this we created an IP Reputation scoring model [1] and currently provide 4 scores.

- Trust Score - VPN Score - Proxy Score - Threat Score

The Trust Score simply aggregates the other 3 scores and is a value from 0 - 100, with 100 being a very high reputation IP address.

[0] https://docs.ipdata.co/docs/ip-reputation-scores [1] https://docs.ipdata.co/docs/ip-reputation-scores

What he is basically saying is that they are the gatekeepers of the internet now and will decide for you if you are trustworthy.

Time complexity doesn't seem like a great reason to use a bloom filter. Why not just check if the IP is in a set? Set membership is supposed to be O(1).

The reason to use a bloom filter would be to save space.

I've heard a few anecdotes of sites getting significantly better google rankings after switching to a .com.

And you can register short (expired) .coms providing they’re not parked or up for auction.

Read books. Find good books on the things you want to learn about and read them.

It might sound dumb but really all the stuff you want to learn has likely already been written up in beginner-friendly books. There are a lot of really good beginner/intermediate targeted books in Computer Science. You can get great books on Vue/React and any specific/niche technology as well as more broad books that cover wider areas eg. systems

Outside of school I've found it's a great way to deep-dive into a new topic and HN is a great place to get book recommendations for new topics.

This is the best advice to realize early on.

You'd suggest reading over doing ?

Seems like he is ready for the doing, just pick something you want to build and start building. You can read as you go ;).

So, here's the lesson that I learned when I was about 23 years old.

At the time, I had a CIS degree and had been programming for about 5 years, mostly Java, Perl and PHP (early 2000s).

I knew PHP really well. Used it professionally, used it in my hobbies. There was something I was trying to figure out how to do and I couldn't find a clear answer for it online anywhere so I finally ended up buying a book that had references too it. Big 600 page Wrox book I think.

Well, I opened up the book and found the answer I was looking for. Then I noticed something on the next page that I didn't realize you could do and would have made my life soooo much easier if I'd known about it earlier.

After that I sat down and read the book cover to cover despite having been working with PHP for 5 years at that point and I learned so much. Really leveled me up.

Now, anytime I want to learn anything I go straight for a book so that I can get a comprehensive picture of all of the available tools and how they work together, from an expert. Makes everything afterwards a lot easier.

There's a constant iterative feedback process. Learn -> Do -> Learn -> Do -> etc...

If something is painful and then you read about how to make it less hard, that's immensely gratifying. At that point you learn how beneficial that is, and start reading more. But if you just read and never apply that knowledge, you don't actually understand it. You need to strike the right balance.

That's fair. I think it depends on the person a little too.

For me, I prefer to gain a deeper knowledge before I dive in because I know what direction to look to solve the problems I come across if I've read about them already. I might not remember the specifics, but I know to look for it.

Works well for me though.

What measurement network did you use?

Stripe Atlas, don't waste your time with anything else

I built something similar for https://ipdata.co. The API will return a time object like this for any IP:

    "time_zone": {
        "name": "America/Chicago",
        "abbr": "CDT",
        "offset": "-0500",
        "is_dst": true,
        "current_time": "2020-07-25T06:10:16.945136-05:00"

It feels designed for larger monitors.

It's insane how I was thinking of doing this exact same thing this same week and how similar our stories are! Though we're much earlier in our journey :)

I launched ipdata here 3 yrs ago, at 21 while still in college and now 3yrs later we're a profitable bootstrapped company.

Congratulations on your incredible success!

Here is our thread: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15879115

Thank you HN!

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