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I use this in combination with FZF's ctrl-r command history which allows me to fuzzy search command history.

This makes me think of an alternative that no one seems to be mentioning: http/rest files. They're git-friendly and there are community plugins to operate them from every major IDE.

I believed the standard was created by jetbrains.


What sets Bruno apart?

Nice GUI Clients: Postman, Insomnia, Paw (ease of use)

Nice CLI Clients that use plain text files: Jetbrains Http Client, Hurl, Httpie (privacy)

Bruno: The only GUI client with a Nice UI that works on top of plain text files

It's the best of both worlds.

> Nice CLI Clients that use plain text files: Jetbrains Http Client, Hurl, Httpie

In what way is Jetbrain's http client a CLI tool ? There's also vscode rest client.

There's no need to shortsell other clients. I think Bruno has sufficient differentiators to standout on its own.

Sorry if it came across as trying to shortsell. I was just trying to point out the key thing that makes Bruno unique in the ecosystem

I'm the maintainer of Hurl and was really graceful to be cited by you!

Oh yes. This one is Jetbrains only but there is also a VScode alternative for this. There is a plugin called httpyac and I believe it also supports the same kind of configuration (???) and variable syntax. It's great not switching to other apps for making an http request.

I used jsweet to accomplish something really cool once, bringing pieces of an archaic, tried-and-true java codebase into the browser. I had to downgrade java to accomplish it, and I had to manually fiddle with the outputted typescript, but I'm overall very grateful for JSweet (and my users would be too if they only knew). I hope there's a future for it.

If it takes 5 seconds for your prompt to display or become interactive, yes.

As far as I'm aware, most of the other quality of life improvements can be reproduced in zsh with plugins. This performance bulletpoint makes me want to consider switching back to fish from zsh.

This. Also completion performance.

I came here to ask the same...

This is how I make pbcopy/pbpaste work on both Linux and WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux).

    if [[ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]]; then
      if ! grep -q Microsoft /proc/version; then
        alias pbcopy='xsel --clipboard --input'
        alias pbpaste='xsel --clipboard --output'
        alias pbcopy='clip.exe'
        alias pbpaste='powershell.exe -command "Get-Clipboard"'

In Android you can configure Do Not Disturb to allow notifications from specific apps. I'm very curious if iPhone can do this.

Sometimes I wonder if we need a new metric for time of day. The 24 system is very inconsistent throughout the year with respect to daylight.

Lifestyle choices only get you so far if you have to figbt against your circadian rhythm to wake up before the sun. Your body wants to stay up late and wake up late, so you just end up sleeping less.

Nurses, doctors, firefighters, parents, and a number of other professions around the world are well versed in adjusting their sleep schedules as needed. I don’t think your circadian rhythm is as fixed as you think it is

Some do, and they can work those jobs because their biology allows it. A big chunk of it are just in constant state of sleep deprivation though and are miserable. That will catch up to them eventually.

I do the same. This might be overboard to some, but I went a step further and installed a vim plugin that brought many of the emacs-style key bindings into vim.

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