The doc is being written. Until it is ready, I think it might be helpful to build a testcase such as xgen/test/compile/void.c, and debug the xocc.exe to see how it generate IR and lowest IR (wasm) from C-language AST tree.
Java is not heavy. You can use GraalVM native compilation, and it will be as light as Golang. Modern frameworks like Quarkus or Helidon are lightweight.
Sure, if you are working for an old style Java shop stuck with Java 8 and JavaEE. That's another story...
"heavy" here is used in a very broad, general sense - that includes legacy, features, traditions, existing codebases, practices, reputation, community, libraries, ecosystem, mindset, infra, learning curve etc.
Having few examples that jumps out of the tradition doesn't make something as a whole suddenly different.
Kotlin would have definitely been a step up over Java purely for null safety.
In hindsight, RoR or Django would probably have been a better starting place considering their financial constraints (non-technical bootstrapping founders), but now that they are larger and more established Spring Boot seems a great framework given their current situation (the originally contracting code needed a major re-write anyway so I'm not sure that would have actually costed more time to go from RoR/Django -> Spring Boot)