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Opendoor New Products Team | Product Engineer | Anywhere in US | REMOTE / SF / NYC | Full-time

Opendoor’s mission is to empower everyone with the freedom to move. We believe the traditional real estate process is broken and our goal is simple: build a digital, end-to-end customer experience that makes buying and selling a home simple, certain and fast.

We are a “startup within a startup.” A small, cross-functional team working on one of Opendoor’s next plays. I helped create this team when my previous YC startup was acquihired by Openhood.

For the right candidate, this role should feel like the best of all worlds: the funding, supportive infrastructure and gravitas of a public company; with a full-stack, scrappy team building from scratch, immersing in customer needs, and iterating fast.

Our team is unique within Opendoor, and also for the technology industry more generally. We have c-level executive sponsorship to move fast and independently, and to build from first principles. Our team has experience building from “0 to 1” at Opendoor, Square, Dropbox, Uber, and Y Combinator-backed startups.

Job listings: https://jobs.lever.co/opendoor/?department=Engineering&team=...

Contact: jay.patel@opendoor.com

Opendoor New Products Team | Product Engineer | Anywhere in US | REMOTE | Full-time

Opendoor’s mission is to empower everyone with the freedom to move. We believe the traditional real estate process is broken and our goal is simple: build a digital, end-to-end customer experience that makes buying and selling a home simple, certain and fast.

We are a “startup within a startup.” A small, cross-functional team working on one of Opendoor’s next plays. I helped create this team when my previous YC startup was acquihired by Openhood.

For the right candidate, this role should feel like the best of all worlds: the funding, supportive infrastructure and gravitas of a public company; with a full-stack, scrappy team building from scratch, immersing in customer needs, and iterating fast.

Our team is unique within Opendoor, and also for the technology industry more generally. We have c-level executive sponsorship to move fast and independently, and to build from first principles. Our team has experience building from “0 to 1” at Opendoor, Square, Dropbox, Uber, and Y Combinator-backed startups.

Sr Product Engineer, New Product: https://jobs.lever.co/opendoor/265cf894-ce48-4324-9c90-d0814...

Product Engineer, New Product: https://jobs.lever.co/opendoor/8cd96c7f-f9cd-464e-b95c-3973d...

Contact: jay.patel@opendoor.com

Could you share what domain your company is in? Just curious what has such HA requirements

I use `z` as a less manual way to search common directories instead of changing $CDPATH. It's based on 'frecency'.


After trying such history-based automatic tools I found they lacked predictability for me.

So the very small 50 LOC kd was born:

    kd # jumps to project top level (based on .git/Gemfile)
    kd foobar "$PWD" # saves an entry named foobar pointing to $PWD
    kd foo # jumps to foobar
    cp qux $(kd foo) # expands to foobar's value
I should probably make it expand to absolute paths so that I could change "$PWD" to .


Nice, looks like mine from ~20 years ago


    g .       # add current dir to bookmarks
    g         # list bookmarks
    g del     # open bookmarks in vi (should use $EDITOR ...)
    g <regex> # jump to first matching bookmark
Wonder how many monthdays I saved compared to colleagues still navigating manually :D

I use `autojump` (aliased as `j`), which sounds quite similar as it also records your most frequently visited directories. It's as simple as entering `j down` to enter /some/path/to/MyDownloadFolder.

For exploring massive file trees, a terminal file manager that allows you to preview the contents of subdirectories without entering them is huge time saver. I use `lf`.



Autojump is great. Another similar one with less functionality but a stripped down script is "bashmarks":


I use (and develop) `goat`. It's like a shortcut manager for aliases for directories you go to often. And a way to make "cd ...." work for any number of dots.


zsh, oh-my-zsh and z are the must haves that I add to any new environment immediately. Z and similar tools is such an elegant solution to directory navigation.

Same, I don't know how people do without them.

I love Z but I cannot believe there isn't something better yet?

One thing I'd love is something that helps navigating the current git project easier.

tmux panes and windows become native iTerm panes and windows. It allows you to open and split with the iTerm keyboard shortcuts you're used to ⌘N, ⌘T, ⌘D.

Make sure you use `tmux -CC` to launch


Wildfire | Software Engineers | San Francisco, CA | ONSITE | https://www.getwildfire.com/

Wildfire (YC S17) is an social consumer news app where users post about local events (campus safety, parties, celebrity sightings, and more) to notify the people right around them instantly. We are a 4-person startup of recent UC Berkeley grads backed by YC and several top Silicon Valley venture capital firms.

We're looking for people excited to join our early engineering team - for mobile and full-stack roles.


Send me an email at jay@wildfireapp.io if you'd like to chat!

Wildfire | Software Engineers | San Francisco, CA | ONSITE | http://getwildfire.com/

Wildfire (YC S17) is an social consumer news app where users post about local events (campus safety, parties, celebrity sightings, and more) to notify the people right around them instantly. We are a 4-person startup of recent UC Berkeley grads backed by YC and several top Silicon Valley venture capital firms.

We're looking to hire our engineer #1 - a generalist engineer excited to work on both full-stack product and infrastructure.


Send me an email at jay@wildfireapp.io if you'd like to chat!

Would you all like it if the links on the front page of HN were more like those on Discover dev, or happy with the way it is?

I like HN for what it is, I get to learn form a variety of topics I wouldn't have encountered otherwise. Discover dev was made to solve another pain point - I prefer tech only news, like a bunch of in depth articles without any commentary.

The idea was that engineering teams all over the world produce some really great content on their blogs, but find it hard to get any traction given all the SEO optimised blog spam, so I wanted to create a resource that would promote the good articles to those who seek it. Later I also expanded to include a couple of tech publications like Hackernoon, code mentor, etc (but you'd be surprised at the number of blog spam and blockchain articles that get produced there - I filter out all but the interesting / in-depth ones).

Whether you like the way it looks or not, it's amazing how influential Stripe's current aesthetic is:


Here are the direct Lyft pages on the two new driver features mentioned in the article: Scheduled Rides [0] and Power Zones [1].

[0]: https://blog.lyft.com/posts/introducing-scheduled-rides

[1]: https://thehub.lyft.com/power-zones/

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