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Interesting! You should consider making the email field optional: it’s unclear why it’s required, and maybe folks will be more comfortable sharing if it is optional.

Good point. I’ve gone back and forth. I don’t want comfortable sharing to turn into spammming.

You could make it optional to grow users and then require it later

Perplexity offers a Reddit "focus" which does exactly that! https://www.perplexity.ai

Thanks for the kind words!

Yes, the underlying dataset very much conditions the quality of the responses. Additionally, the retrieval strategy is also a really important factor (and that is something which I haven't had time to extensively optimize).

I'm writing a blog post that will answer your questions! Will post it here when it's fully baked.

Awesome, looking forward to it!

Thanks for flagging! Actively debugging, looks like one of my DB vendors is having some uptime issues. If you retry a couple times you should (eventually) get lucky.

Hey! Not open source, largely because I don't have time to make it good enough for me to feel comfortable sharing what's otherwise pretty scrappy code, but I'm planning a blog post detailing how it was built.

Tech stack is https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40238913 + the addition of turbopuffer for the new functionality.

X links are currently broken on HN and don't work with threads on archive.is. Alts:

- https://x.com/janleike/status/1791498187313963308

- Screenshot copy https://jnnnthnn.com/leike.png

Uploaded a screenshot here as X.com links appear to be broken this morning: https://jnnnthnn.com/leike.png

X.com links are currently broken on HN so I posted a screenshot instead


The funny thing is I got better OCR throwing this at ChatGPT than at the actual OCR engine I use (Windows default.)

Makes sense since Windows is probably still just using the “latest” Convolutional Neural Network type algorithms for their OCR from 10+ years ago :-)

Posted a thread as a PNG! This is novel, but yeah, necessary unfortunately.

No. It will get offered to you once you exceed the monthly GPT-4o limit (currently 5 to avoid breaking the bank).

GPT-4o outperforms all local models so I figured using it as a fallback was the right approach :)

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