I find this to be true as well. I have nerve damage/pressure from bad back. If I miss a dose before bed, I almost invariably get a calf cramp in the early morning hours before waking. Very annoying, only way to get rid of it is get out of bed and stand up on it. I think flooding the body with the magnesium before bed, before it has a chance to maybe get rid of excess perhaps, because taking it too far from bedtime I'll still have twitches and cramps.
I ran across this theory years ago about a piece of legislation in late 1970 allowed lobbyists into previously closed door committee meetings, thus allowing lobbyists to assert direct pressure on congressional members. The second video is from the same guy but is rather long and goes into this idea that transparency in congressional committees is a counter-intuitively bad idea because it allows lobbyists to proactively apply pressure before anything ever gets to a floor vote.
I just installed it. If you've already been a desktop user, they've made importing accounts pretty painless by having the phone app take pictures of qr code on your desktop. The UI is definitely less polished than K-9 on first impression but I suspect it will get better.
It would be great if it can sync junk training settings between the two.
I can't find it now on youtube but years ago there was a pump someone made using old HDD platters. The action relied upon having two platters a certain distance apart such that surface tension would drag water between the plates and then fling it higher than it's source.
It won't work. Plates will get wet, but you can't tear off that water without spending lot of work. That would be perpetual motion machine if you could make it work.
I don't remember the time frame but it was a Slot A cpu that I bought from some russian owned company in Irvine in the early 2000's that was doing exactly this practice. Since I was planning on overclocking it myself, and had taken steps to record as much about the transaction myself (because I knew this scam was going on), when reported to AMD, they had their lawyers contact me to provide an affidavit because they we're attempting to sue the shit out as many of these sellers as possible. They also replaced the cpu with the one I intended to purchase so at least the story ended nicely but what a pain in the ass it was.
Who is that predator? I wish to hire them desperately. We had an agreement that the federation would stick to just the dead material but there are obviously some free thinking factions at work. Now I'm growing lettuce as just the distraction crop for them (and the slugs) to protect the other youngling starts and strawberries.
Dysdera Crocata is a spider literally evolved around killing and eating roly-poly. As they need to pierce the roly-poly's exoskeleton, their bite is painful (but harmless) for humans.
There was an old lady who swallowed a cow;
I don't know how she swallowed a cow!
She swallowed the cow to catch the goat,
She swallowed the goat to catch the dog,
She swallowed the dog to catch the cat,
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird,
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider
That wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her,
She swallowed the spider to catch the roly-poly;
I don't know why she swallowed a roly-poly – perhaps she'll die!
When it's plural as in "lice" it's an obvious problem to be eradicated.
But why in the singular form of "louse" do I suddenly imagine a Fantastic Mr. Fox character? A little guy holding a tiny briefcase waiting for the bus in Louse Land.
It should be the opposite, because looking at lots of them is like "Ahh rolly pollies! Cool!"
But if you zoom in on one's face... you notice some ancient trilobyte Alien 3 finger fangs rapidly shoving microbes into its pie hole, who knows what kind of monster this thing is to all the hapless beings down on its level.
The spider doesn't care about any of this shit, he's just like: "Not in my house, louse." before spinning him up in his butt threads and draining his blood like a literal vampire.
The litmus test on this used to be those NFL Superbowl shirts for the losing team. To facilitate quick merchandising, they would print both teams as being the superbowl champions then whichever team one, sell that t-shirt. The losing teams 'champion' shirts would pop up in photos six months to a year down the road, being worn by children in third world countries. You don't see that anymore.
Sure temperature is big factor but water is always the enemy of wood, regardless of the treatment. You can slow it down with chemicals but bugs and microorganisms find a way if water is present. Humidity is water. Primers and paint do wonders against it. But the wood has to be dry first. Tar is pretty darn good at keeping out water but also good at trapping it in.
Old growth and just 'old' wood is naturally termite resistant because wood gets harder as it ages and the bugs just don't like to chew on it, they will look elsewhere. You don't see many 60+ year old houses getting new termite infestations unless it was in areas of recent repair (fascia boards, brick moldings). But if it's wet, it's softer to chew. It's always comes down to water.